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English support forums 16.7k topics

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News 40 topics

Latest news from the LimeSurvey team

Moderators: holch, tpartner, DenisChenu
holch's Avatar
Re: Concerns about version roadmap ...
by holch
1 year 1 month ago
Please write here if you have problems to get LimeSurvey installed or updated. Please provide as much information as possible!

Moderators: holch, tpartner, DenisChenu
Joffm's Avatar
Re: How to Keep Survey Participant ...
by Joffm
1 day 6 hours ago

Design issues 3401 topics

Please report here if you have questions or problems how to setup your survey.

Moderators: tpartner, holch, DenisChenu
Mazi's Avatar
Re: Edit other Option
by Mazi
1 day 7 hours ago
Ask here if you have questions about what can be done and what can't with LimeSurvey

Moderators: tpartner, holch, DenisChenu
Joffm's Avatar
Re: Title in a multiple choice que ...
by Joffm
9 hours 37 minutes ago

Development 785 topics

For questions regarding development...

Moderators: holch, tpartner, DenisChenu
DenisChenu's Avatar
Re: API export_responses method is ...
by DenisChenu
1 day 13 hours ago

Future features 90 topics

Discussion about future features & enhancement - what's needed, what's wanted. Vote for new features on ideas.limesurvey.org

Moderators: holch, tpartner, DenisChenu
silke.b's Avatar
Re: Variable type/data type
by silke.b
2 months 1 week ago

Plugins 253 topics

Discuss about LimeSurvey plugins (Version 2.05 or later)

Moderators: holch, tpartner, DenisChenu
robzio14's Avatar
Re: pdfReport plugins
by robzio14
1 week 1 day ago

ComfortUpdate 54 topics

If you have any problems with ComfortUpdate this is the right forum for you!

Moderators: holch, tpartner, DenisChenu
holch's Avatar
Re: Connection timeout - select * ...
by holch
7 months 5 days ago

LimeStore No topics

Ask any question related to the LimeSurvey LimeStore. www.limesurvey.org/limestore

Moderators: tpartner, holch, DenisChenu
DenisChenu's Avatar
Re: LimeStore error 0 and 404
by DenisChenu
1 year 2 months ago

Localized forums 7344 topics

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Chinese forum 9 topics

欢迎您来到limesurvey 论坛

Moderators: holch, tpartner, DenisChenu

Dutch forum No topics


Moderators: holch, tpartner, DenisChenu
avandermeijden's Avatar
Re: Vraag gaat niet verder of spri ...
by avandermeijden
10 months 2 weeks ago

French forum 2975 topics

Bienvenue dans la communauté française très active!

Moderators: Nickko, holch, tpartner, DenisChenu
riqcles's Avatar
Re: VirtualHost - Framework Yii - ...
by riqcles
1 day 9 hours ago

Deutsches Forum 3109 topics

Herzlich willkommen in der großen deutschen LimeSurvey-Community!

Moderators: holch, Joffm, tpartner, DenisChenu
Joffm's Avatar
Re: Teilnehmerliste = Automatisch ...
by Joffm
33 minutes ago

Italian forum 586 topics


Moderators: lfanfoni, holch, tpartner, DenisChenu
lfanfoni's Avatar
Re: Domanda array testi solo numer ...
by lfanfoni
2 days 5 hours ago
Bem-vindo! Se você quiser conversar com outros usuários LimeSurvey Português Este é o fórum para você!

Moderators: holch, tpartner, DenisChenu
Joffm's Avatar
Re: Ordem de resposta num question ...
by Joffm
4 months 6 days ago

Spanish forum 582 topics

Bienvenidos al foro en español!

Moderators: holch, tpartner, DenisChenu
holch's Avatar
by holch
2 days 4 hours ago

Third-party components 83 topics

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Moderators: holch, Mazi, tpartner, DenisChenu
Mazi's Avatar
Re: Err04: Cannot Analyze Survey
by Mazi
2 months 5 days ago


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