Maybe this helps narrow it down for the LimeSurvey devs, emails get sent for accounts I create with the non-initial user. I.E. creating new users as a superadmin but not as the initial user. When I create users as that initial superadmin account, emails fail to send.
EDIT: Scratch that, now email is sending fine as the initial superadmin account. No idea what I changed, if anything, for it to work. Only failed the very first time I ever sent an email, has worked every time since.
Please always let us know which email method you set at global settings -> email.
When using SMTP emailing please enable error logging and post errors here.
If you can safely reproduce the issue please file a bug report.
Best regards/Beste Grüße,
Dr. Marcel Minke
Feel free to contact me by email for professional LimeSurvey support!
And there are no further details available when enabling SMTP error output?
Best regards/Beste Grüße,
Dr. Marcel Minke
Feel free to contact me by email for professional LimeSurvey support!