About Loops/List , i work currently on a Question settings : Survey inside survey.
See screenshot and
About use numerics by default : Noooooooooo ! Because it's a false good idea. I explain why . A real situation.
Some year ago, i work on a “cabinet d'étude”. They make a lot of survey with paper + online. In France : we always start list at 1. And we use an old tool allowing only number in code. This tool work only on MacOS 9.
The society make survey in Brasil, with paper. To don't have to send paper by airmail: they earn another society to write paper in a numeric/computer way. This society can not use the same tool , then they use another tool. BUT : seem in Brasil we start list at 0.
We receive the file, put in the system (import XLS file), the system read it and make report : we don't find issue in report automatically. Our tool set 0 to 'no answer' and all other code seems OK. Last one is never set : but it can happen in rela situation too.
Then we make a lot of report, and finally someone read the report … we have only ONE question wher this really seem strange ( A yes / no question …).
We lost 3 day of work, must make a new system before importting in our old system.
Now : i always try to use CLEAN code . When importing in tool : the system didn't anderstand the code and send a warning.
Example of code : NA (Not applicable), DNK (Do not know), etc …
I use numeric code only when i really want a numeric value.
Example 'Agrrement rate' can be:
1. Disagree strongly
2. Disagree somewhat
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Agree somewhat
5. Agree strongly
NA. Not applicable
DNK. Do not know
And here : it's better to use assesment value.