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I really OK with this : please : make feature request and bug report. I made a lot but i'm tired actually. If a lot of user make feature and bug for this , it can be better.ElToro1966 wrote: Missing: Surveys satisfying the WCAG (W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines: www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/ )
Question code: Your ID, or number or code for the question. This field is only for quick identification for a question in export or for evaluation.
-Its hard to change default screens like "wrong token".first wrote: #Ability to get quota counts in survey. (Yes! So sad that we cant make "soft" quotas)
#Implementation of screen-outs without hacks. (Yes! Currently we should make a lot of quotas with quota limit=0 and sometimes 2 hidden questions for that quotas: equation + any single choice)
#Multiple Other specify in any question without hacks
#Page objects so that we can place more than one question on a page even in question by question layout. (Yes! Sub groups, page objects etc. At least a dirty hack like: if group name contain "magic" string questions from that group will be shown like in question by question mode)
#We are not able to use programming language loops (for,while,do while) in equation type question.
{VAR:exam1=if(Q1.NAOK>10,1,0)} {VAR:exam1=VAR:exam1+if(Q2.NAOK="Y",0,1)} {VAR:exam1=VAR:exam1+if(Q3_SQ001="Y" AND Q3_SQ002="Y",1,0)} {Q4quota=if(VAR:exam1>1,"Y","N")}
They don't exist its feature that i like to see in limesurvey.holch wrote: I don't get it, where would this variables come from? What are these variables?
You cannot modify token attributes. And i know that i can use count() in my example but variables make life easier in many ways. I do not insist that their use should look exactly as it is, it's just an idea for LS 3.0+holch wrote: Yes, I understand that. But what would be the different to using a custom token attribute TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1 which could be anything, compared to your VAR?