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Limesurvey 2 RC2 working very slowly

  • holch
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12 years 6 months ago #85173 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Limesurvey 2 RC2 working very slowly
Sorry! Forget about my post. I only just saw that there was a previous page and you actually had done this before already.

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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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  • lpousada
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12 years 6 months ago #85217 by lpousada
Replied by lpousada on topic Limesurvey 2 RC2 working very slowly
No problem! We've tried the LS2RC9 with the same VM with LS1.9, after that we installed a new VM from scratch with stable releases of base sw. The rational was: the first VM was been upgraded year after year and could have old stuff blocking.
I must say we are using VM's from our cloud infraestructure (corporate IT privilegies ;-) ) so performance isn't an issue.

Best regards!

Luis Pousada
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12 years 4 months ago #87009 by jmattias
Replied by jmattias on topic Limesurvey 2 RC2 working very slowly

lpousada wrote: Hi everybody,

We’ve been trying to solve this issue using all know-how available.

Once again it is very very slow doing anything even login! :(

Thanks in advance for your kind sugestions.


Have you checked if there's any egress/ingress filtering between your server and limeservice.com?
When investigating similar issues on one of our setups I noticed dropped outbound HTTP packages to limeservice.com. After I addressed this it was reported to work a lot better.

Best regards

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12 years 4 months ago #87828 by seanrife
Replied by seanrife on topic Limesurvey 2 RC2 working very slowly
Has anyone figured out definitively what the cause is here? I'm experiencing serious performance issues with all things LimeSurvey 2.0. I had about 20 people filling out the same survey this afternoon, and it got so bad that my host's procwatch killed my php5.cgi process because it was hitting my shared server's memory limit. I'm running the latest version. Viewing responses seems to really soak up the resources, too.

I would file a bug report, but I can't for the life of me figure out enough details to do so. Does anyone have any suggestions? jmattias, how did you disable the outbound packages to LimeService.com?

Running Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 (squeeze) on a shared server (DreamHost). MySQL version 5.1.53. PHP version 5.3.13.
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  • Mazi
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12 years 4 months ago #87865 by Mazi
Replied by Mazi on topic Limesurvey 2 RC2 working very slowly
There is a similar bug report at bugs.limesurvey.org/view.php?id=6299 where you can add your details like phpinfo file and other related information.

There seems to be a bottleneck at certain server configurations but we need more details to track this down.

Best regards/Beste Grüße,
Dr. Marcel Minke
Feel free to contact me by email for professional LimeSurvey support!
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12 years 4 months ago #87929 by seanrife
Replied by seanrife on topic Limesurvey 2 RC2 working very slowly
Thanks, Mazi - I just did that. Please let me know if there are any other details you need or if I can do anything else to help.

I'd also gladly donate to the project if this could be resolved soon... I'm in the process of collecting data for my doctoral dissertation :cheer: , so it's pretty high on the ol' priorities list.
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9 years 6 months ago #124648 by roblange
Replied by roblange on topic Limesurvey 2 RC2 working very slowly

I have installed limesurvey206plus-build150831 and it is really slow, to login and to create a survey.
PHP 5.5.12
Server is massive so I doubt its the hardware and I am using windows server 2012 R2 standard.

Any tweaks I can use to make it faster?
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  • LouisGac
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9 years 6 months ago #124657 by LouisGac
Replied by LouisGac on topic Limesurvey 2 RC2 working very slowly
If your LimeSurvey installation can't reach network, it could be a bug coming from the update checker.
It will be fixed in the next release.
Right now, if you want to fix it quickly by yourself, just edit the file :


And replace :
                $next_update_check = $today->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
                Yii::app()->session['next_update_check'] = $next_update_check;
(should be at line 565)

by :
                $next_update_check = $today->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
                Yii::app()->session['next_update_check'] = $next_update_check;
                Yii::app()->session['update_result'] = false;
(just added the line : Yii::app()->session = false; )
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9 years 6 months ago #124683 by roblange
Replied by roblange on topic Limesurvey 2 RC2 working very slowly
Ok I tried this and when i make the change all i see is the site name in the top corner of the page. If I change it back then all works again just slowly.
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  • Mazi
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9 years 5 months ago #125614 by Mazi
Replied by Mazi on topic Limesurvey 2 RC2 working very slowly
Maybe there was a minor typo or issue when trying to adjust the code manually?

A new release is available for download since a few days (see www.limesurvey.org/en/downloads/category...atest-stable-release ).
Can you test if this fixes your problem?

Best regards/Beste Grüße,
Dr. Marcel Minke
Feel free to contact me by email for professional LimeSurvey support!
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