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Recording/allowing respondent IDs from external website

  • holch
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3 years 1 month ago #223815 by holch
did it work during your own tests?
What did you do to test it before you sent any "clickworkers" to the questionnaire?

Did you test it without the question where you want to store the ID being hidden?

with the information you are providing, it is almost impossible to help you, because we really can't know what you did wrong if you only provide half of the story each time.

Also, why did you not a "Text display" question for your introduction? You uses a short text question. What should your respondents write into that field? Use a Text display type question, that's what it is there for: Only display text.

Provide us with an export of you survey as LSS so that we can have a look what went wrong. Did you setup a URL parameter called "user_ID" in the panel integration?

In the Clickworker interface, is there anyway you can see how the URL will look like, that they will use to send their respondents? What was the URL for those 4 clickworkers? The other questions did record correctly?

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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.

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  • abhijeet1810
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3 years 1 month ago #223820 by abhijeet1810
Survey URL: carpurchaseprocess.limesurvey.net/641639?lang=en&user_ID=12345

how may i send you the the LSS export? i have downloaded it

i once again did a test the parameter name : user_ID

but the response for the hidden target question on the first page again does not have clickworker IDs unfortunately.

thanks!, i will change welcome message to text question instead of short text

regarding clickworker user URL, their customer service mentioned this

"Our system appends a combination of numbers and letters to the end of your link, e.g. it can look like this: "?a&user=8c402a8e6da3904fjsls63c86e576288c&user_id=12345".
However, it is important for you to automatically process only the parameter user_ID, which you would have to set up in your tool (the user ID can be 1 to 7 digits long.) "

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3 years 1 month ago #223825 by holch

how may i send you the the LSS export? i have downloaded it

Upload it here as attachment?

but the response for the hidden target question on the first page again does not have clickworker IDs unfortunately.

How did you hide the question? Via the GUI ("Always hide this question") or via CSS?

What happens if you do not hide the question? Does Limesurvey pickup the user_ID?

regarding clickworker user URL, their customer service mentioned this

"Our system appends a combination of numbers and letters to the end of your link, e.g. it can look like this: "?a&user=8c402a8e6da3904fjsls63c86e576288c&user_id=12345".
However, it is important for you to automatically process only the parameter user_ID, which you would have to set up in your tool (the user ID can be 1 to 7 digits long.) "

You have posted this already, we are aware of this. But I wanted to know if their platform gives you an example of YOUR Url with the parameter attached, bascially something like "this is how your URL will look like". Just to see how the final URL they are using does look like.

Before running a test with the 4 clickworkers, did you test if the user_id is recorded when you append ?user_id=12345 to your survey URL and test?

Also, make sure that you are using exactly their code, seems like their user_id is written all in small letters.

Help us to help you!
  • Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.

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3 years 1 month ago #223836 by DenisChenu
Best seem to rename your params to userID and create a question with title userID.

Else : when testing : allways use another clean browser : we don't update current test with a link. You can add &newtest=Y to the link to be sure to test on a clean response.

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2 years 10 months ago #226876 by lotta_fox
Hey everyone, 
I would like to broad this subject again as I have the same or a similar issue with clickworker. I added the variable for the panel integration and when I tested it myself, it worked. However, I now test it with a small sample size from clickworker and the ID is not passed on the respective variable (or any other, of course).
I assume the issue is that lime survey needs the URL extension in this form: &user_id="userID" but clickworker adds it this way &user_id=userID. I contacted clickworker regarding this problem but they said they are not able to change the URL extension to the needed format.Has anyone an idea if I can enable the ID disclosure with the URL extension in the clickworker format?I also have added the LSS of the respective survey. My storing question for the ID is ID.

Thanks in advance and best regards Lotta

File Attachment:

File Name: limesurvey... (2).lss
File Size:191 KB

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2 years 10 months ago #226879 by tpartner
There should be no quotes in the URL parameters.

Can you attach a screenshot of your panel integration screen?

Tony Partner

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2 years 10 months ago - 2 years 10 months ago #226880 by lotta_fox
Thanks for the quick response. I am not 100% sure to which screen you refer to. I hope I added the screenshot you need:

Best regards



Last edit: 2 years 10 months ago by lotta_fox.

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2 years 10 months ago - 2 years 10 months ago #226882 by Joffm

needs the URL extension in this form: &user_id="userID"

No, without quotes.

And I do not see an issue at all.

With this url:


I got this
Tested in 3.27.33

By the way:
Which LimeSurvey version are you using?
Looking at the lss export I see a database version of 261, which seems to be rather old.


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Last edit: 2 years 10 months ago by Joffm. Reason: Image inserted

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2 years 10 months ago #226884 by lotta_fox
Hey @Joffm,
so you think my problem might occur because my lime survey version (Version 2.62.2+170203) is outdated? I use the one provided by my university.
Currently the panel integration URL does not work at all in my version.

Best regards


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2 years 10 months ago #226888 by Joffm
Well, generally, it is. It is more than 5 years old without security fixes.

But this shouldn't be the problem.
Because my "old" version 2.73.1. wasn't at hand I tested in version 3.x. 

But here in 2.73.1.


You can always try to do it without "panel integration".
Rename the question to "userid" and call the survey with ...?lang=en&userid=Tralali und Tralala

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2 years 10 months ago #226889 by tammo
Rename the question to "userid" and call the survey with ...?lang=en&userid=Tralali und Tralala

But then without spaces, I think?

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2 years 10 months ago #226892 by tpartner
I think the problem is that the panel refuses to use anything except "user_id" as a parameter name. This won't work as a question ID due to the underscore.

Here is a solution I used before panel integration existed...

Place this script in the source of a short-text question.

The script will:

1) Hide the short-text question.
2) Load the user_id URL parameter value into the text input.

This will only work if the welcome message is not used and the short-text question is in the first survey screen (group).

<script type="text/javascript" data-author="Tony Partner">  
  $(document).on('ready pjax:scriptcomplete',function(){
    // Hide this question
    // Load the 'user_id' value from the URL
    var uid = getURLParameter('user_id');
    $('#question{QID} input:text').val(uid);
  function getURLParameter(name) {
    return decodeURI(
      (RegExp(name + '=' + '(.+?)(&amp;|$)').exec(location.search)||[,null])[1]

Tony Partner

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