the  Character is showing up in my questions in the survey after migrating limesurvey. Sometimes they replace ä ü ö, but sometimes they just appear instead of a space character. the migration was done using the export "save whole database" feature. So maybe the problem lies when this whole database was loaded into the new mysql database? that at this time the enkoding did go wrong? If I look at the stored answers by logging into the database, everything looks fine.
old System:
MySQL 5.7
Php version 5.X
limesurvey version 3.20.2+191119
new System:
MySQL 5.7
PHP Version 7.4
limesurvey version 3.25.0+201117
I was not the topic author on that old post. I did not receive answers (meaning solutions / multiple replies), I received one reply with a workaround. That's why I opened this post, so maybe someone knows how to fix the root cause of this. Because I am not sure if I might have to migrate multiple times.
I think it might have something to do with MySQL collation?
Last edit: 4 years 1 week ago by limesurvey_asker.