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ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE - after it worked very well for weeks

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5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #191137 by tpartner
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  • wpfan2099
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5 years 2 months ago #191154 by wpfan2099
done - srry did not want to infringe the netiquette rulez - not assotiated with any comercial thing here - anyway.
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5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #191580 by wpfan2099
hello dear Holch, good day dear all,

- this is wpfan2099 - the threadstarter.

after having mused bout the errors and the possible reasons - after having mused bout porting over the installation on subomains or a side to side installation i suddenly saw that the site is coming back... ;)

note: i guess that the errors ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE - is rooted in a very very weak server - just that easy - is this possible - is this thinkable!?

Holch has got the very same installation - structure as i have.

dear Holch: in this thread you answer very interestingly :

I run Limesurvey and Wordpress in a very similar setting (Wordpress in root and LS in subfolder)
and I don't have the same problems. So while I wouldn't want to exclude this as the source of issues completely,
I would probably focus on other aspects first, as it works fine with me for quite some time now.
Of course, as Jelo says, any update in one of the two applications could start causing problems.


at the moment it goes very well - in other words i have no issues at the moment: Holch - is it thinkable that this error is rooted in a very slow server!? I have to admit that this seerver is very very old and will be replaced very soon (in a few weeks)

you have mentioned that you have installed limesurvey in (exactly) the same way as i did.
you also have mentioned that you did not have encountered any of the issues as i have encountered.

is this true!?

furthermore; i have googled this error - guess that it is this one:

Error 324 (ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data

website. I don't think it is Chrome browser bug either because when I open safari I don't get the error, I get a white page.Not sure what is happening or why. Basically, I am looking for the root causes for this server error.
Any ideas would be much appreciated. If you need me to provide any specific info, let me know.
Come to think of it, this error started happening because the server is pretty slow!

cf: stackoverflow.com/questions/8861404/erro...cation-hosted-by-aws

- Except a CURL shows me the HTML just fine, but it's not loading up in a browser. What in the world could be causing something like this :( Everything was fine until last night
- @Till's curl advice is brilliant :)
- what about to work with Session-stickyness:
Edit: How do you manage this problem in the future when you need session stickiness? I have no idea. But there should be answers on this out there!
- ...In addition to this, GZIP needs to be disabled at the web server (apache, or other).

what do you say - is this thinkable that the server ist pretty slow!?
what bout the test-method of using curl - in the moment when encountering the issue- !?

the idea of Err Empty_Response_ being rooted in the slow server - well this would be great - since i change the server in the next few weeks. Is this idea of the possible roots thinkable - and convincing!?

note: as it runs very well at the moment i will take a closer look at the behaviour - and will try to find out if /(when) the error will be appear again.

futhermore - @holch: can you confiurm that you run the server in exactly the same way

look forward to hear from you

wpfan2099 ;)
Last edit: 5 years 2 months ago by wpfan2099.
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5 years 2 months ago #191581 by jelo

wpfan2099 wrote: note: i guess that the errors ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE - is rooted in a very very weak server - just that easy - is this possible - is this thinkable!?

The error "ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE" is a ChromeBrowser error message, which tells us, that nothing was sent from your server to your browser.

The empty or at least unusable answer from your server to your browser can be caused by many things.
The delay can be caused by an overloaded shared webserver. It can be cause be a htaccess redirection instructions gone wild (e.g. installing a web application with own htaccess directions into another webapplication folder). Or many other things, which are also not scope of this forum.

You should get a proper webhosting space, install LimeSurvey 3.X there and than try to reproduce the issue.
If that is the case, you might post a direct Link to a survey to let us check again.

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5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #191582 by holch
I can confirm that for one of my installations I have Wordpress running as some kind of "portal" or fancy "landing page", and in a subfolder of this I have LS installed.

Here you can see my Limesurvey folder next to the Wordpress folders:

I am not sure if the error can come from the server being very slow, but I also wouldn't rule it out.

I also run another installation under a subdomain. Also no problem. I think the safest thing is to install LS under it's own domain or subdomain. But when I set up the one within the subfolder, I still paid for SSL-Certificates and a subdomain required another certificate. So by installing in a folder, I could save on the certificate. Today with Let's encrypt implemented in many hosting platforms, I would probably install it in a subdomain.

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  • Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
Last edit: 5 years 2 months ago by holch.
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