Ben_V wrote: like Holch I'm a quiet lost with
Yii AssetManager
... Do you mean that users (with debug mode turned off) now don't have to clear their browser cache ?
The assetManager copy (or symlink when the option is on) all the CSS/JS files to some subdirectories in the tmp folder. The subdirectories are like: tmp/assets/3ef97d39/
The number is generated on the base of the modification date of the folder containing the css and js files. So, when the css and js files are updated (when the modification date of the directory containing those files is changed to be accurate), a new folder with a different number is created in tmp/assets, like tmp/assets/4de86e46/ . So the browser considerates they are new CSS/JS files, and it renew its cache. It's very close to your system with a "?ver=2.54.2".
My bet is that josegovia updated manually an old installation, which updated the css files of the editor extension without changing the modification date of the folder containing those files. The solution to this problem is:
use the comfortUpdate.