Die zu Beginn genannten URL's sind die spezifischen URL's von Respondi für unsere Umfrage.
Anbei ist die Anleitung von Respondi, vielleicht können Sie damit etwas anfangen?
Mandatory redirect links:
Screenout (to use if the panellist does not belong to your target group):
Complete (to use for all completed and valid interviews):
Quota full (if your project includes quotas, to use if the panelist belongs to your target group but also to a quota that is already full):
XXXXXXX will be replaced by the individual project ID for each project. Therefore, we send you new redirect links for every new project.
How respondi/mingle panellists enter your survey:
For the setup, you will send us a link to your survey, which could look like this:
example link:
We will attach an alphanumerical ID of 32 digits to your survey link of each respondent. We call it "tic".
Your system will have to save and send it back to us via the redirect link as “return_tic” for each panellist who has completed the survey.
This ID is automatically generated when the panellist clicks on his invitation link. The ID is the identity card of the panellist for this specific survey.
For example, the link of a panellist accessing your survey would have this structure:
The identity of the panellist is cada5f068857c060a6bc9814d5a8992d
Your survey system should allow you to save the “tic”, this ID is the identity of each panellist.
How you can send back our respondi/mingle panelists to our website:
After you saved the tic (in our example cada5f068857c060a6bc9814d5a8992d) and the panelist finished the survey you will have to redirect the panelist as follows:
complete redirect link:
In this example, the panelist would be a complete.
In details you are sending the panelist back to mingle.respondi.com:
− To the specific survey, identified by 7 digits (XXXXXXX) ex: 1234567
− With the complete status (c_0002=1)
− With his/her identity card status (return_tic=cada5f068857c060a6bc9814d5a8992d)