I am not surprised that the mentioned scripts don't work
The first is something quite different. It is used to move radio buttons into a HTML table in the question text.
The second is more than 8 years old and for a different version of LimeSurvey (you see that there is mentioned a "template.css" which dosn't exist anymore; now since there are "themes" instead of "templates" it is called "custom.css")
And let me add: You seem to be confused about the initial question about "Survey theme/template".
Here you should mention the used theme like "bootswatch", "fruity", "vanilla", respective a customization of one of them.
Now your question:
See here (to remove the radios)
And you may adjust the column width by this
Personally I'd prefer a simple separation by space, color, font (simple css)
Remember: You still have this column in your dataset.
Some examples: