if it is possible to add an “Other” field on the bottom of the table in order to allow respondents to add 1 or 2 extra options and to classify them using the likert scale. Do you guys know if this is possible?
Of course is it possible. There are many examples here in the forum.
On the other side it is the absolute silliest idea (IMHO).
1. You will get a lot of single answers with a rating that is not usable. You can't compare to the other ratings. No significance at all. What is the meaning if one respondent says "I use XYZ often."
2. You will get a bias. Do you really think somebodey enters an new item and rates with "Never"? No, only items will be entered that are used often or always.
3. You will have to restructure your dataset because now you will have all mentions and all ratings in one solumn.
That's why we - that is my institute - always advise our clients to simply ask a next open question like "Are there other things you use that were not mentioned above?
But if you insist of this idea, I will send an example.
Looks like this (here with two "Others")
You see that I did not answer your first question.
No, these are basics.
Activate your survey with some questions coded alphanumerical, some coded numerical, enter some data and look at the answer table.
You will see what you get.