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Text Elements format

  • Sofia_Costa
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2 years 9 months ago #228493 by Sofia_Costa
Text Elements format was created by Sofia_Costa
Hi,I'm having difficulty formatting the text elements in my survey.The platform eliminates all paragraphs and doesn't allow me to justify the text. By doing this the text in the welcome page is presented as if it were only one paragraph.Is there a way to add paragraphs to the text elements and to justify the text?Thanks in advance for any help!Please help us help you and fill where relevant:Your LimeSurvey version: [see right hand bottom of your LimeSurvey admin screen]Own server or LimeSurvey hosting:Survey theme/template:==================(Write here your question/remark)

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2 years 9 months ago #228494 by Joffm
Replied by Joffm on topic Text Elements format
Hi, Sofia,
1. Why didn't you answer the initial questions about version, hosting,...?

2. How did you enter this text? Did you copy/paste it from somewhere?

3. Which type of editor did you use?
a. Editor HTML na mesma pagina
b. Editor HTML numa nova janela
c. Sem editor HTML

4. How does the source code of yout text look like?


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2 years 9 months ago - 2 years 9 months ago #228517 by Sofia_Costa
Replied by Sofia_Costa on topic Text Elements format
Hi Joffm,
I’m going to answer your questions using your numbering.

1. I didn’t answer the initial questions about version, hosting because they didn’t appear on my screen.
Where are those questions and where do I find the answers for those questions? The Limesurvey license I’m using was given to me by the Portuguese University where I’m doing my theses.
When I sign in there is this information ( LimeSurvey Versão 4.4.12+210308 ) on the bottom right corner of my screen.

2. Yes. I copied/pasted the text from a word document where I put the survey together.

3. I don’t know. Where can I see which type of editor I used?

4. What do you mean by “How does the source code of your text look like?”

Thanks for answering my post so quickly!
Last edit: 2 years 9 months ago by Sofia_Costa.

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2 years 9 months ago #228518 by Joffm
Replied by Joffm on topic Text Elements format
1. These are the informations needed.
Version 4.4.12. (as said in the question "Your LimeSurvey version: [see right hand bottom of your LimeSurvey admin screen]"
Hosting: It is a university installation. So we know that you might be restricted according your rights.

2. Never do that. You will get a lot, a real lot of garbage of the word formatting inside your code.
If you want to do this, copy to a plain text editor like Notepad++ (or similar) and then copy to LimeSurvey.

3. I showed you the three different editors. How does yours look like?
And you can - if your university allowed this by clicking in the upper right corner your username and then "a minha conta"
Here you find 

4. If you use the "HTML na mesma página" there is a button "fonte"

The best is you send a lss export of your survey.


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2 years 9 months ago #228546 by Sofia_Costa
Replied by Sofia_Costa on topic Text Elements format
Hi Joffm,3. It looked like de c) option (without HTML Editor).With your indications I was able to switch to the a) option (HTML Editor on the same page) and now all the formatting options appear on the screen.  What should I do with the rest of de options that appear on my personal configurations (see attach)? Do I leave them as they are?

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2 years 9 months ago - 2 years 9 months ago #228554 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Text Elements format
You should configure it to your needs. No one can say what your preferences are.

I personally do NOT want the HTML editor show automatically, for a couple of reasons. So the recommendation would not work for me.

Have a look at the options and see what you want it to be like.

E.g. I just saw that there is an option "directly show edit mode". Didn't know this was an option. I guess I would go to "yes" there, because it is one less step on editing. Usually, when I go to a question I want to edit it. But then there might be others that prefer to first see the info page of a question.

I personally would also switch to numeric answer options and subquestion codes. Didn't know this was a setting. I guess I have to have look at my profile more often. ;-)

So, it is difficult to recommend anything to you without a specific issue.

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  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
Last edit: 2 years 9 months ago by holch.

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2 years 9 months ago #228560 by Sofia_Costa
Replied by Sofia_Costa on topic Text Elements format
Hi Holch, Thanks for the input. The problem is that this is the first time I'm using limesurvey, because this is the only platform my university has for us to use and no one in the university knows how to use it….So I really don’t know what would or wouldn´t work for me because I don’t know how to use it. Until I found this forum, I was considering going against study orientations and uploading the survey on google forms because now one new what to do…. Portuguese teachings at their best…

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2 years 9 months ago #228562 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Text Elements format
Then leave it as it is and adapt it once you have the feeling it should be different.

And I highly would recommend NOT to use Google Forms. Use anything else, but not Google Forms. Here in Brazil a lot of students use it for simple things (and it can't do much more than very simple surveys). But I never respond those questionnaires? Why? Because I am logged into my Google Account and I am not logging out of it for helping someone by filling out their questionnaire for their thesis. But if I answer without loging out of Gmail Google knows that I filled in the form. They already know far too much about me. ;-)

Don't worry about these settings too much. Once you are more familiar with creating surveys in Limesurvey, you might get a grasp of what YOU prefer. That's why these are options.

I personally would recommend to switch to numbers for the default naming of answer options. I am sure Joffm will second this. Why? Because if alphanumerica codes the analysis will not allow all calculations and you might have to recode the answer codes later. How will you calculate the mean value of AO01 and AO05? If you use 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for the answer codes, you can calculate a mean value, etc. If you use A1, A2, A3, etc. you can't.

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  • Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.

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2 years 9 months ago #228573 by Sofia_Costa
Replied by Sofia_Costa on topic Text Elements format
How do I switch to switch to numbers for the default naming of answer options?

And, since we are already talking about analysis...
How do I export de survey so that I can send it to people to answer? (Since, in Portugal, we don’t have databases of emails to resort to in order to divulge surveys, I’m going to resort to Portuguese Speech and Language Therapist groups on facebook.)
And after people answer the survey how do I export it? Should export it to exel or SPSS? Is it possible to export the data to booth?
Joffm referred to this “The best is you send a lss export of your survey.” What is this?

Sorry for all the questions, but this is the only place where I’m obtaining any help. =11.0pt 

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2 years 9 months ago - 2 years 9 months ago #228579 by Joffm
Replied by Joffm on topic Text Elements format

How do I switch to switch to numbers for the default naming of answer options?

You enter them
If you enter a "1" in the first cell and use "quick add" the codes will auto increment

And if you just empty the default answer option in your personal settings, you will get the proposal "01", "02", ... what you always can change and overwrite.
Just try!

Joffm referred to this “The best is you send a lss export of your survey.” What is this?

There were two images below this.
Didn't you click on "Mostrar/Exportar"?
Here you would have seen this.
(ok, a German GUI)

And lss means (LimeSurvey Survey). This is a text file that contains the structure of your survey, used to transfer from one installation to another.
There are some more
lsq (LimeSurvey Question)
lsg (LimeSurvey Group)
lsa (LimeSurvey Archive)
The last could be important for you. It contains the survey structure AND the responses. So you may export this, then delete the survey. But you are able to import it some time later, if needed.

How do I export de survey so that I can send it to people to answer?

You do not export anything. You distribute the link to the survey that you see here; different links for different languages
How you distribute this link is up to you
Social media, announcement in the newspaper,  a plane that writes it to the sky 

And after people answer the survey how do I export it? Should export it to exel or SPSS? Is it possible to export the data to booth?

How do we know which tool you use to analyze?
I hope you saw already that there are several options to export (csv, EXCEL, R, SPSS (direct)) and also SPSS by *.sps and *.dat files.
The other formats are more or less useless if you want to analyse your data.

But I recommend that you read the manual to get knowledge of these basics.
[url] www.limesurvey.org/manual/Exporting_results/en [/url]


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Last edit: 2 years 9 months ago by Joffm.

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2 years 9 months ago - 2 years 9 months ago #228586 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Text Elements format

How do I switch to switch to numbers for the default naming of answer options?

You can always do it manually, but from your screenshot I can see that there seems to be the option now to define how the default values are inserted in Limesurvey. At least this is how I interprete the two "Prefixo..." items in your screenshot.

How do I export de survey so that I can send it to people to answer? (Since, in Portugal, we don’t have databases of emails to resort to in order to divulge surveys, I’m going to resort to Portuguese Speech and Language Therapist groups on facebook.)

You don't "export" anything. This is an online questionnaire, you will have a link for respondents to access the survey, just like you would with Google Forms.

As you don't have contacts with emails, you will probably need to use an open survey, so anyone who has the link can access the questionaire and respond to it. This is how you will publish your survey in the different facebook groups, etc.

And after people answer the survey how do I export it? Should export it to exel or SPSS? Is it possible to export the data to booth?

Come on, these are basics, there is a manual. ;-)

Joffm referred to this “The best is you send a lss export of your survey.” What is this?

LSS is a format to export your survey structure. This allows to move the survey from one Limesurvey installation to another (or to archive it). If you have issues with your survey and have questions here, it is often good to export your survey as LSS and attach it here, so that the helpers on the forum can see what you have done. But keep in mind, we don't want to see your complete survey with hundreds of questions. If there is an issue, create a copy of your survey, delete the questions that are not relevant for the issue and export this reduced sample as LSS file and upload it here with your question. This way we can download it, import it into our own Limesurvey installation and have a look at what you have done.

Help us to help you!
  • Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
Last edit: 2 years 9 months ago by holch.

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2 years 9 months ago #228587 by Joffm
Replied by Joffm on topic Text Elements format
doppelt gemoppelt hält besser. 

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