Hi there!
We are running version 3.23.6 of LimeSurvey and have a token based study where a "test" response which I filled out myself is missing from the results table. We even got an (empty) confirmation mail that a new response has been submitted and in the participant table the token is flagged as having been used, but the response is not there. I attach a few screenshots.
Confirmation email (in German) where all information is missing:
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Date submitted :
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Seed :
Token :
Date started :
Date last action :
I found
threads here, but the proposed solutions (using a different version, waiting until it appears, or participants might have pressed "clean and exit") do not apply.
No, it was a new survey, based on a copy of another survey, which underwent some changes and preview testing. It was only activated once and the missing response was actually the first response.
I recommend to open a bugticket where you provide more infos about the system.
It might be a new bug. It is not the first time we see erased responses.
It might be a bug which is not easy to reproduce.
What PHP version is used. If you have PHP 7.4 I recommend to downgrade to 7.3.
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