Hi guys, I'm trying to activate spanish on my label sets from "label Set Administration". I choose one in this case "services", then I try to select spanish (Mexico) But cant get it to add it. Right now my survey show english answer options in english regardless of the chosen language. Of course that's not useful for me. Is there anyway to make this work or a work around? As this takes away the utility of the languages feature I think is critical unless a work around exists.
Sorry for the quality of the GIF capture but haven't been able to upload files with better quality in forums.
Try to update javascript cache browser on global settings part.
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I can Manually change the spanish version in every question but not the label set on Label set administration. Can't add language. I didn't see any Java uptdates on global settings. Can you tell me how to reach that. I did found that my version is upto date.
I can reproduce the problem . Looks like a bug. The"Add" and "Remove" buttons onclick attributes call DoAdd() and DoRemove() respectively but those functions are missing in /scripts/admin/admin_core.js.
Tony Partner Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.