I started comfort update, after step 3 it fails with error 500. It explains (in Dutch) that it can't find a server.
What to do? At which step to I provide the key?
Maybe the servers are down. Probably due to the security problem many people do their update and the servers are getting slow. Try again a little later and see what happens.
Help us to help you!
Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
That is disappointing, just bought the comfort update for 50 euro for a year
It did not mention that I needed to have a certain version to make it work.
well, old comfortUpdate doesn't need any key, it was working for free (but not working so well as you can see).
your key will work with the new comfortUpdate once you upgrade to latest version. Then it will be easy for you to stay up to date and no more experiment those kind of problems.
(Updating from 2.05 141126 to 2.06 151109 finally)
URL: .../admin/update/step4 says that the server is unavailable. (after step 3 obviously ran through.)
I happened to click the back-button in browser twice and ended in the step for updating the database.
No way to get out there again. I assume, in any system file the status of the ongoing update is saved.
So I restored the file backup (not database) and were back in 141126.
I tried it again and the same problem occurred.
I looked into file system at .../admin/update and - compared to the backup - the file step4.php had been deleted. Of cause step 4 of the update were not able to run while the needed file was deleted earlier by itself.
After two times back button again, I started the db-update and after some more problems and some hours I managed to do the 'comfort' update.
- It was never mentioned, that update from 141126 to 151109 would only work with two complete runs of updates (first to last free version, then to latest version). I first was kind of surprised, that trying to update to 151109 will lead to 150731. Would be helpful if someone would have told this before.
- Old comfort update seams to be bugy. It deletes files it needs later.
- The update information keeps telling us, that the data will not be harmed.
That may be true. But it better should change data and transform it it the new application logic. After the update we found out, that the whole privileges and rights settings needs to get changed and every user had the full rights to see and change every survey. That should have been warned for!
- The new ComfortUpdate has some bugs, two. I.e. it shows the wrong versions in the change log at the beginning. For example: 'from 141126 to 141126'. It is always the same build number before and after.
It also still shows the old version and build at the end of the update: it tells you that the update was successful but still shows the old Version and build. After clicking the start page it finally shows the new version and build.
That should be solved. It doesn' t help to trust the ComfortUpdate.
the old comfortUpdate is not working so well.
I will build a package to update from build 141126 to 151109 using the new comfortUpdate server.
Just wait a little bit.
donwload it, extract it somewhere in your computer, copy its content in your LimeSurvey root installation.
Once you'll access to your admin interface, it will update your database.