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Saving GPS coordinates

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9 years 11 months ago #118554 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Saving GPS coordinates
The survey was developed for LS 2+. Please upgrade your installation.

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
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9 years 11 months ago #118555 by shawnchan
Replied by shawnchan on topic Saving GPS coordinates
Thanks for you reply. Is there any way I can get the GPS coordinates without an upgrade?

I tried to copy the two functions getGPS and showGPS to the lss file by the version 1.91 and then import back to LS but no luck..is there any way you can help to modify the lss file attached? It would be great if the lime survey can automatically save the GPS coordinates and store the coordinates as a variable.

I am attaching a sample survey generated by limesurvey Version 1.91+ Build 11379.
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9 years 11 months ago #118557 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Saving GPS coordinates
I'm sorry, I cannot develop or test for 1.92 - it's too old.

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
The following user(s) said Thank You: DenisChenu
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9 years 11 months ago #118564 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Saving GPS coordinates
@tpartner: And it is not even 1.92, it is 1.91, even older...

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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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9 years 11 months ago #118589 by shawnchan
Replied by shawnchan on topic Saving GPS coordinates
Oh..I guess I have to upgrade Limesurvey before asking for help again.

Thanks again for your advise.
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9 years 10 months ago #118976 by shawnchan
Replied by shawnchan on topic Saving GPS coordinates
I used your scripts on demo version of limesurvey and I can get the GPS coordinates now. The GPS coordinates is automatically shown the text box when I open the survey. Thanks tpartner for that.

What I'm trying to do now is to use the GPS function as a measure of quality control, making sure that they have done the interviews at the correct location.

Is there any way we can "secretly" store the GPS coordinates without noticing the users? because now GPS coordinates is shown on screen and even can be edited by users. I tried to do it by hiding the questions but I can't get the GPS coordinates when the question is hidden.
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9 years 10 months ago #118981 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Saving GPS coordinates
You cannot manipulate a question that is hidden with the advanced question settings.

Try hiding the question with JavaScript.

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    // Identify this question
    var q1ID = '{QID}';
    var q1 = $('#question'+q1ID);
    // Hide this question
    function getGPS() {
      if (navigator.geolocation) {  
        navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showGPS, gpsError);
      } else {  
        $('input.text', q1).val('No GPS Functionality');  
    function gpsError(error) {
      //alert('GPS Error: '+error.code+', '+error.message);
    function showGPS(position) {
      $('input.text', q1).val(position.coords.latitude+', '+position.coords.longitude);

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
The following user(s) said Thank You: daleal
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9 years 10 months ago #119032 by shawnchan
Replied by shawnchan on topic Saving GPS coordinates
It's works perfectly now!!! Thanks a lot!
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9 years 3 weeks ago #131079 by rasheed
Replied by rasheed on topic Saving GPS coordinates

I wonder if there is a similar script for getting the device system info such as OS, Navigator,..

Thank you !
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9 years 3 weeks ago #131081 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Saving GPS coordinates
Yes there is and you can find an example here in the forum. It might be a little older, but I gave an example where you save a lot of data about the browser and the screen etc. via Javascript into a hidden question. I am not sure if OS is included, but should be possible to include.

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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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9 years 3 weeks ago #131082 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Saving GPS coordinates
Here the post that I mention. You just need to find out how to reference the OS via Javascript, but you should find some examples out there for this.


Help us to help you!
  • Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
The following user(s) said Thank You: rasheed
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8 years 10 months ago #134398 by Mazi
Replied by Mazi on topic Saving GPS coordinates

shawnchan wrote: What I'm trying to do now is to use the GPS function as a measure of quality control, making sure that they have done the interviews at the correct location.

One purpose of our recently released " OfflineSurveys " Limesurvey Android app is doing data collection on location. Since several users told us that it would be nice to store the current location's GPS coordinates, we have added an additional Android multimedia question type to get the current location from the device's GPS and store that at a Limesurvey question.
You can simply make such a question mandatory and that way force the user to always store the current location together with all other response details.

Best regards/Beste Grüße,
Dr. Marcel Minke
Feel free to contact me by email for professional LimeSurvey support!
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