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Scoring and Reporting

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5 months 1 week ago #256061 by BITCNI
Replied by BITCNI on topic Scoring and Reporting
Thanks. I think it'll be easiest to multiply by 10 and divide by 10 later. I'll give that a go this week and try to upload the file by Friday. Thanks again for your help and guidance :)
It's honestly greatly appreciated.

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5 months 1 week ago - 5 months 1 week ago #256147 by BITCNI
Replied by BITCNI on topic Scoring and Reporting
Hello, again.  I seem to have hit an unusual snag.
I've just finished assigned scores to the questions in Section 1. In this section, I had 'Code - Assessment Value - Answer options'.
When I move down to the next Section, however, and go to the first question, the 'Assessment Value' is gone.  Instead, the Headings are 'Code - Subquestion - Relevance Equation'?!  As stated, the ability to add 'Assessment Values' has disappeared?

Have we done something wrong in the way we set up the Survey, so that it will only allow Assessments for certain sections or questions?

Thanks for any advice.
Last edit: 5 months 1 week ago by BITCNI. Reason: Clarity

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5 months 1 week ago - 5 months 1 week ago #256152 by Joffm
Replied by Joffm on topic Scoring and Reporting
Can you provide screenshots?

What is the next section? Section 1(contd)?
Here the first question is a multiple question, where there are no indivisual values.
If you want to you have to use an IF-statement. 
But how do you want to score a multiple question?


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Last edit: 5 months 1 week ago by Joffm.

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5 months 1 week ago - 5 months 1 week ago #256183 by BITCNI
Replied by BITCNI on topic Scoring and Reporting
Hello again.
Yes: Section 1 (Contd) S1Q3b

Screenshots below.  The Question is a Multiple Choice, and it would be scored accordingly:
No - 0
Yes: to reduce significant environmental impacts - 75
Yes, and we publish our strategy and details of key initiatives  -100
Yes: to reduce or eliminate our significant environmental impacts AND this commitment is aligned with a reputable external initiative… - 150

For a 'Select all that apply' option, they get (for example) 70 points (which will be divided by 100) for each checkbox they select.

Thanks :)
Last edit: 5 months 1 week ago by BITCNI. Reason: Table lost formatting

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5 months 1 week ago - 5 months 1 week ago #256184 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Scoring and Reporting
Multipunch questions are strange when it comes to assessment values. They simply apply 1 point per ticked checkbox, afaik.

You'll need to calculate your score for 5his question in a hidden equation question I guess. 

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Last edit: 5 months 1 week ago by holch.

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5 months 1 week ago #256188 by Joffm
Replied by Joffm on topic Scoring and Reporting
Yes, 1 is the default setti8ng.
But you can change it in the question settings.
Anyway: There is no big difference in the equation:
{count(that.Q1.NAOK)*weight} vs. {count(that.Q1.valueNAOK)}

And try to avoid "multiple choice".
This has an ambiguous meaning.
In some countries
1 out of many : multiple choice
x out of many: multiple response

In other countries - and LimeSurvey
1 out of many : single choice
x out of many: multiple choice

Better you use the LimeSurvey naming

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5 months 4 days ago #256988 by BITCNI
Replied by BITCNI on topic Scoring and Reporting

You'll need to calculate your score for 5his question in a hidden equation question

Thank you, but I've never used 'Hidden Equation' questions.  Is this an 'Equation' question that is then set to hidden?  If so, how do you add logic that looks up another question and checks which tick boxes have been selected (and then sum these)?  I wouldn't have a clue how to do this, so any guidance on this would be very much appreciated. 

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5 months 4 days ago #257022 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Scoring and Reporting
Yes, "hidden equation questions" are just that: equation questions, that are hidden. :-) You can use "always hide this question" from the GUI in this case, it will still calculate everything just fine.

Howe to check selected tick boxes. Two things help you there: The logic file will show you how to address the question and in this case subquestion.

usually it is something like that:

If you use {Q3_SQ003} in a text display question you can easily see the output. Activating the survey, fill it and then have a look at the response table also gives you a good idea how things are stored in the database.

In the case of multipunch questions it is a "Y" if selected and empty if not selected.

So to check if a specific subquestion in a multipunch question has been checked you can use something like:

So you check if subquestion 3 of question 3 is "Y" and go from there.

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5 months 17 hours ago #257482 by linuxhooligan
Replied by linuxhooligan on topic Scoring and Reporting
To add to Tpartners reply, once you have your expression script values / formulas figured out, you can use Chartjs to generate graphs:


We are doing it right now, it is really great for visual presentations and quite flexible.

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5 months 9 hours ago #257509 by tammo
Replied by tammo on topic Scoring and Reporting
Would love to see an example in a .lss file. Would you be willing to share that here?

Tammo ter Hark at Respondage
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4 months 4 weeks ago #257544 by Joffm
Replied by Joffm on topic Scoring and Reporting
In my "Tutorail 3: Gimmicks", Chapter 3, (in the German section) there is an example how to use "highcharts" and "Google Charts".

Probably I will add this same example with "chartjs"


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4 months 4 weeks ago #257680 by BITCNI
Replied by BITCNI on topic Scoring and Reporting
Thanks, everyone, for your replies.

I've checked the Logic file, and I can see that the Muliple Choice question is as follows:

SQ-1    S1Q3b_SQ001    
SQ-2    S1Q3b_SQ002    
SQ-3    S1Q3b_SQ003
SQ-4    S1Q3b_SQ004

My next question is this: where exactly to I go (or how exactly) in order to write code, such as IF S1Q3b_SQ001 ==Y, then VALUE = 70.
And if someone selects ALL the options (001, 002, 003, 004), then how do I sum them to give the final score for this question, as LS obviously needs to have a score for this question in order to add it to the overall Survey's score.

I'm really sorry if I'm being obtuse, but coding with LS is completely new to me.  I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing or even where to start with all this!

Is there a coding area you're supposed to go into in order to start coding/doing sums?

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