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I'm wondering if it's possible to include a clock / chronometer that runs continuously from Question Group 2 through to Question Group 9 (out of 10 question groups), so that participants can see how long they are taking as they go through those questions.
In each page (e.g. group description or somewhere else in the question text)insert the script to show the elapsed time
Like this
<script>const start ={starttime};var x = setInterval(function(){var distance start;// Time calculations for hours, minutes and secondsvar hours = Math.floor((distance %(1000*60*60*24))/(1000*60*60));var minutes = Math.floor((distance %(1000*60*60))/(1000*60));var seconds = Math.floor((distance %(1000*60))/1000);// Display the result in the element with id="demo"
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = hours +"h "+ minutes +"m "+ seconds +"s ";},1000);</script>
Layout is up to you.
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