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Surveys hidden from other survey owners?

  • alorenc
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3 years 7 months ago #218143 by alorenc
Limesruvey v3 

Is there a way to hide the poll from other users without taking away the permission to "view/read" the surveys?

- we have a defined list of surveys that constitute a template
- we want all users of the admin panel to have access to copy these templates
- and at the same time we want the user to be able to create a poll that other panel users will not be able to see.

We have an organization where the poll can be created by different departments, but once in a while the polls will be created for all departments, we don't want users of those departments to have access to it before publishing.

The current mechanism of depriving all users of the right to "view/read" surveys and broadcasting them from the survey level is difficult to manage. With several hundred panel users, we are not able to organize it efficiently, especially if new ones come or are removed within a month - here even the grouping mechanism does not help.

​​​​​​​PS. if there is a plug for it or it is fixed in a newer version, I would ask for this information.
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3 years 7 months ago - 3 years 7 months ago #218219 by DenisChenu
Replied by DenisChenu on topic Surveys hidden from other survey owners?
In 5.X : you can create a "Template" survey groups and give all user read+export rights on it.

And give only Create + Import survey right,
then : you have exactly what you want.

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3 years 7 months ago #218265 by alorenc
Replied by alorenc on topic Surveys hidden from other survey owners?
Thanks, I'll check it out.
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3 years 7 months ago #218303 by alorenc
Replied by alorenc on topic Surveys hidden from other survey owners?
This solution is a compromise but still has one major downside, you still have to click Create + Import Permissions for All Users to this Group.

I can create a group "Everyone" and add all users to it. And then in the "Templates" survey group, set their permissions. However, updating this data, for example adding new users to the "Everyone" group and re-importing them into the "Templates" survey group, will overwrite the permissions of previously added users.

I noticed that Survey Groups have an "Always Available" option. If it is not selected, the group is not displayed in the list for other users. It would be great if the polls included in this group were also not visible by default. Only after granting the "Create + Import" permission will it be visible to the specified user. The question is, can it be designed that way? Because I do not know the context of the "Always available" option.
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3 years 7 months ago #218307 by DenisChenu
Replied by DenisChenu on topic Surveys hidden from other survey owners?
Always available : any user can select this Group in dropdown. Any user can «read» this group.

> I can create a group "Everyone" and add all users to it. And then in the "Templates" survey group, set their permissions. However, updating this data, for example adding new users to the "Everyone" group and re-importing them into the "Templates" survey group, will overwrite the permissions of previously added users.

Can you give more detail ?
I think it's same behaviour in Survey right ?

user group are more a shortcut system here to select whole user.

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3 years 7 months ago - 3 years 7 months ago #218308 by alorenc
Replied by alorenc on topic Surveys hidden from other survey owners?
Will the "Always Available" mechanism in the future be able to assume that selected surveys placed in this group will also not be visible to users?

For me, it would be logical that if a group is hidden, the survey in that group are invisible.

The above solution made it possible to individually grant a specific person access to the survey in a group hidden with these rights Create (preview survey) Import (copy survey).

Maybe it should be a proposal to the development department?
Last edit: 3 years 7 months ago by alorenc.
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3 years 7 months ago #218309 by alorenc
Replied by alorenc on topic Surveys hidden from other survey owners?
>Can you give more detail ?
I think it's same behaviour in Survey right ?

The answer to the question above was that the groups here act as a user list that is imported into a survey or survey group (permissions).

Group changes (removing / adding users) do not update these changes in the list under Survey/Survey Group Permissions. Because the assignment does not follow the group IDs, but after importing the group content into the permission list.

This creates one fundamental problem, if we have a group "Everyone" in which we store a list of all users and assign them to the list of permissions, then we give new permissions, then the permissions added to the previously added users on the "Everyone" list will have overwritten permissions.

Permission list Survey group templates includes:
User 01 with permissions: Create, Read, Import

In the user group We "Everyone" I have User 01 and User 02, selecting this group and setting only Create + Import permissions. This will cause User 01 to only have create and import permissions, losing the read permissions.
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3 years 7 months ago #218320 by DenisChenu
Replied by DenisChenu on topic Surveys hidden from other survey owners?

Will the "Always Available" mechanism in the future be able to assume that selected surveys placed in this group will also not be visible to users?

There are no link between : "Always available" and visibility of Surveys. It's linked to the group

> For me, it would be logical that if a group is hidden, the survey in that group are invisible.

Except if you give Permission to this user on a survey (or ALL survey): it's the case. I didn't understand.

> The above solution made it possible to individually grant a specific person access to the survey in a group hidden with these rights Create (preview survey) Import (copy survey).

If user can not see a group : he can not choose the group in the dropdown … then can not Create or import survey in this group.

> Maybe it should be a proposal to the development department?

I create and improve all Survey group permission, and i can construct plugin for specific usage. Else : another solution community.limesurvey.org/feature-request/

To see a group and put survey in a group:
- You are allowed to see the group OR
- You have a survey (owner) inside this group OR
- You have a survey with view right in this group OR
- Group is always available
- Group is default one (forced to be always available)

The "You have a survey in the group" is mandatory : when you edit the survey : you see the group of this survey (but NOT the survey in this group)

> Group changes (removing / adding users) do not update these changes in the list under Survey/Survey Group Permissions. Because the assignment does not follow the group IDs, but after importing the group content into the permission list.

No : like already written : Group is more a shortcut usage for Permission.
BUT : a plugin can link between User group and Survey group (by name ? Or Admin administration part ?)

> In the user group We "Everyone" I have User 01 and User 02, selecting this group and setting only Create + Import permissions. This will cause User 01 to only have create and import permissions, losing the read permissions.

If you check on Survey permission system on 3.X : it's the same. Existing user A with all right. Adding a group and give only Response right : Existing user A have only Response right.
You can report the issue for 3.X and 5.X

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3 years 6 months ago #218365 by alorenc
Replied by alorenc on topic Surveys hidden from other survey owners?
I miss the 'hide survey' option (under development) from other users.

Alternatively, I can use group permissions in LS5. I just need to write a plugin that will automatically add new users to the "Templates" group. Because I cannot imagine that someone would watch over it on a daily basis in an organization with several thousand employees.
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3 years 6 months ago #218367 by DenisChenu
Replied by DenisChenu on topic Surveys hidden from other survey owners?

I miss the 'hide survey' option (under development) from other users.

Still don't understand ?
If an user have no rights on a survey : he didn't see it.

> Alternatively, I can use group permissions in LS5. I just need to write a plugin that will automatically add new users to the "Templates" group. Because I cannot imagine that someone would watch over it on a daily basis in an organization with several thousand employees.

Maybe have a "Default group" ? Or create the group right on User creation are the speediest way right.

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3 years 6 months ago - 3 years 6 months ago #218373 by alorenc
Replied by alorenc on topic Surveys hidden from other survey owners?
>Still don't understand ?
If an user have no rights on a survey : he didn't see it.

I put templates in the "Default" group:
- Template 01 (created by super-admin)
- Template 02 (created by super-admin)
- Template 03 (created by super-admin)
- Survey user01 (survey created by user01)
- Survey user02 (survey created by user02)

1. I create "Hidden group for user02" - always available OFF
2. I set "Survey in this group" permission so that "user02" got access to manage survey in the group. Result:
- User01 cannot see "Hidden group for user02"
- User02 has access to the "Hidden group for user02"
3. The "User02" user creates the "Survey User02 - hidden" survey, saving it in the "Hidden group for user02" group

Test (by scenario):
I. All users have permission to create and view / read
- everyone: can see all in the default group also those created by other users (it's ok)
- User01: can see all in this "Survey User02 - Hidden" (not okay - why ???)
- User02: can see all (it's ok)

II. All users can only create (forbidden view/read )
- all: defaults only see Template01 (where are the rest? where are Template02 and Template03? I made a copy of Template01 and name it Template04, but it's not there either).
- user01: can only see your survey: "Survey User01" (it's ok)
- user02: can only see your survey: "User of survey02" and "User of survey02 - hidden" (it's ok)

The test will bring permissions to the group "Hidden group for user 02" on the user "user01"
- user01: access to the poll "User02 Survey - hidden" (it's ok)

In my opinion, something is not working properly with these permission groups.

PS .: is it true?
User02 has created a survey, has been added to the hidden group. This group gave access to another user and user02 lost access to it. However, he sees this group on the list, I suppose it's because the survey belonging to him is in this group.
Last edit: 3 years 6 months ago by alorenc.
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3 years 6 months ago - 3 years 6 months ago #218377 by DenisChenu
Replied by DenisChenu on topic Surveys hidden from other survey owners?
> I. All users have permission to create and view / read
> - everyone: can see all in the default group also those created by other users (it's ok)
> - User01: can see all in this "Survey User02 - Hidden" (not okay - why ???)

Because user01 have Global read rigt on any survey. For Permission : only one permission is needed, you can not remove a permission in LimeSurvey (except with plugin).

> - all: defaults only see Template01 (where are the rest? where are Template02 and Template03? I made a copy of Template01 and name it Template04, but it's not there either).

Strange ?

> In my opinion, something is not working properly with these permission groups.

Please : more detail : for me it's seems totally OK.
Your current detail are unclear about right on Surveys in group and Right on Group.

> PS .: is it true?
> User02 has created a survey, has been added to the hidden group. This group gave access to another user and user02 lost access to it. However, he sees this group on the list, I suppose it's because the survey belonging to him is in this group.

Yes : exactly

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Last edit: 3 years 6 months ago by DenisChenu.
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