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Your LimeSurvey version: LimeSurvey Community Edition Version 6.4.0+231218
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: On Premise
Survey theme/template: Vanilla
I installed pdfreport & limeMpdf plugins on Limesurvey and it worked very well - perfect for my needs.
I tried to add a logo in the header.twig and following the documentation add this
img src="{{ imageSrc('./plugins/limeMpdf/assets/logo_pdf.png')}}" />
in the twig file (and uploaded the image in the folder "assets".
Unfortunatly I still have a small red cross instead of the logo. I guess it's something with the path (or with syntax..) , I tried full URL, external img with full URL... nothing worked.)
If someone has an idea of whhat I am doing wrong, it will be really great.
Thanks in advance for the help !