Hello all,
I'm new to LimeSurvey, so please indicate me if I write something considered gross here ^-^
I'm creating surveys for a CGT workers' union inside a company and I want that only the workers from our company can take our surveys.
I previously used Framaforms, based on the Webforms Drupal module, with a specific work mail address checking process :
- User entered their work mail address, validated by a regex on its domain name ;
- When they confirmed their answer, a confirmation e-mail was sent to that address ;
- User clicked on the confirmation link included in the mail ;
- That action would set the answer to confirmed status.
Unfortunately, this feature has been broken by a Drupal update. As I have access to our union's site's hosting, I searched for an open-source survey engine to install on it. So I found LimeSurvey, which seems to have everything we want and more ^-^
Alas, for validation, I still have nothing working and this is a required feature for all our surveys.
I explored the two following paths :
- Activate closed surveys with public registration : I don't know if it's possible to check the registration mail address against a regex to limit its scope.
- Ask for a mail address and check it against a regex : done, but I have no way to generate a confirmation mail to that address, with a link that the user would click to confirm their answer.
Do anyone here has already achieved that or know of a way to do it, be it from one of the path listed before, or in any other way ?
Thanks for any hint !
Benoît 'Mutos' Robin