Hello, I'm developing survey url shortener plugin (based on Bitly api ) and encountered some problems.
from the manual beforeSurveyActivate event is not yet released. For short url generation im using beforeSurveySettingsSave event. . beforeSurveyActivate event checks if survey is active or not and if active then beforeSurveyActivate calls short url generation. This solution is not best, because I must to click "save" on the survey if I want to generate a short url. Can I use any other event that suits better?
Second question is if i can somehow put new generated url into Overview tab under default survey url?
For «put new generated url into Overview» : only javascript solution
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Now I'm struggling with short URL display solution.
I think I can use beforeSurveyBarRender() event to check if survey is activated & short url is generated and if yes -> then append short url with javascript in right place.
beforeControllerAction , you can restrict to admin + survey for example
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Thank you for your help. I solved this with beforeSurveyBarRender instead of beforeControllerAction, because i have better control and information of survey.
I will upload my plugin later to github and post it in forum.
My plugin uses Bitly shortener api. After activation bitly url is posted to overview also.
Just one quick question.
Based on
Plugins_-_advanced Manual
settings could have also readOnly option. But its somehow does not work. I tried true, 1 "1","true" but I can edit it anyway
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