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LastLogon - my first attempt at creating a plugin

  • bdeprez
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6 years 7 months ago #168350 by bdeprez
Hi all,

I'm attempting to create a plugin to show the last time a user logged into LS and to show that in the menu bar.

First of all, I've used following people's work as the start of my plugin (credit where credit is due!):

Olle Härstedt - Last Visited Surveys

LS Manual topic

I seem to be very close but I cannot figure out how to eventually show that date/time - I suppose it's a rooky mistake somewhere (note: I'm not a PHP programmer at all)...

use \ls\menu\MenuItem;
use \ls\menu\Menu;
 * Show last date / time user logged on
 * @author Bernard Deprez
 * Inspired by @author Olle Härstedt
class LastLogon extends \ls\pluginmanager\PluginBase
    static protected $description = 'Show last date / time user logged on.';
    static protected $name = 'Last Logon';
    protected $storage = 'DbStorage';
    public function init()
     * Create database table to store last visited surveys
     * @todo Uses MyISAM as engine in MySQL?
     * @return void
    public function beforeActivate()
        // Create database table to store visited surveys
        // Code copied from updatedb_helper.
        // TODO: Include routine in plugin system?
        $oDB = Yii::app()->getDb();
        $oDB->schemaCachingDuration=0; // Deactivate schema caching
        $oTransaction = $oDB->beginTransaction();
            $aFields = array(
                'uid' => 'integer primary key',
                'logon_date' => 'string',
        catch(Exception $e)
            // Activate schema caching
            $oDB->schemaCachingDuration = 3600;
            // Load all tables of the application in the schema
            // Clear the cache of all loaded tables
            $event = $this->getEvent();
            $event->set('success', false);
                gT('An non-recoverable error happened during the update. Error details:')
                . "<p>"
                . htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage())
                . "</p>"
    public function beforeDeactivate()
        // Remove table
        $oDB = Yii::app()->getDb();
        $oDB->schemaCachingDuration=0; // Deactivate schema caching
        $oTransaction = $oDB->beginTransaction();
        catch(Exception $e)
            // Activate schema caching
            $oDB->schemaCachingDuration = 3600;
            // Load all tables of the application in the schema
            // Clear the cache of all loaded tables
            $event = $this->getEvent();
                gT('An non-recoverable error happened during the update. Error details:')
                . "<p>"
                . htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage())
                . '</p>'
    public function afterSuccessfulLogin()
        // Get row from database
        $userId = Yii::app()->user->getId();
        $lastLogon = LastLogonModel::model()->findByPk($userId);
    $current_date = date('Y/m/d - H:i:s'). ' UK timezone';
        if (!$lastLogon)
            // First usage after plugin activation
            $lastLogon = new LastLogonModel();
            $lastLogon->uid = $userId;
      $lastLogon->logon_date = $current_date;
        $lastLogon->logon_date = $current_date;
    public function beforeAdminMenuRender()
        // Get row from database
        $userId = Yii::app()->user->getId();
        $lastLogon = LastLogonModel::model()->findByPk($userId);
        $lastLogonDateTime = $lastLogon->lastLogonDateTime;
        $event = $this->getEvent();
        $event->append('extraMenus', array(
          new Menu(array(
            'label' => 'Last Logon:' . $lastLogonDateTime

class LastLogonModel extends LSActiveRecord
    public static function model($class = __CLASS__)
        return parent::model($class);
    public function tableName()
        return '{{plugin_last_logon}}';
    public function primaryKey()
        return 'uid';
    public function relations()
        return array(
            'user' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'uid'),
            'lastLogonDateTime' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'logon_date'),

I'm also wondering if there were a way to make the Menu item "inactive" (so it doesn't change color when hovered over) - if not, not a biggy...

If anybody could help me out, I would appreciate it a lot!

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  • DenisChenu
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6 years 7 months ago #168583 by DenisChenu
Replied by DenisChenu on topic LastLogon - my first attempt at creating a plugin
I don't think there are a way to show Menu item «inactive» except with some js hack, you can put this in feature request and make a pull request.

About your table : maybe it's best to use API

See example here:
gitlab.com/DRAAF_Bourgogne-Franche-Comte...responseLink.php#L26 (for table name)

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