I am trying to get an answer through the Forum because I have already tried to access support via the offlineSurveys website and in the last two attempts for other issues I have not been answered, this is sad.
We need to use two surveys offline and I am trying to somehow that I could associate these two records when it was synchronized. I can manipulate Limesurvey, PHP, remoteControl, in short, everything that is necessary to make the association on the server side, but on the offline application side I can't find any.
I tried to create a cookie parameter in the 1st survey and automatically save the cookie value when I opened the 2nd survey, so I could associate these two surveys with the same cookie parameters and save in a hidden field in Limesurvey. But the offline application does not allow to store value in a cookie.
The possibility for the interviewer to do this manually is ruled out because there is a lot of room for error when filling two fields with the same values.
Is there any way in javascript that i can do this in the offline app?