we just planned the beta released on the 1st of July.
It will have all the survey template part:
1. The new HTML made by Denis (easier to update, specific CSS classes for the LS specific stuff, accessibility for screen readers, etc )
2. Twig engine to replace the old keyword system. All the frontend HTML will be editable: like the survey listing, the registring forms, assessments results, etc
3. Template inheritance system: so if you want to use a core template and only change a very specific file, your template will only contain this file, and will use all the other files from the mother template (so you can still benefit from the mother template updates). The inheritance system is recursive, so a template can extend a template that extends another one.
4. Template editor update: so it can use twig and the inheritance system (instead of copying a template, you'll inherit a template that will contain only the changed files)
5. A configuration page for the template: so you can easily add and position your own logo, select a theme (a CSS file for small customization such as color, etc)
This Beta release will not have the admin interface changes (new left menu bar, new template selector, subquestion/answer editing on the same page than question editing, new design for the login/boxes, etc). Markus is the coder in charge for those changes, and he's still working on the main website for now.
This Beta release will not have either the question template system (to replace the current workaround system to add new question rendering + new custom options for those rendering).
We'll need as many testers as possible for that beta release