At first group, user select one or more groups to work with
Suppose five groups selected with multiple choice
At relevance equation of each of five groups, relevance equation is set to something like this:
sel_SQ1=='Y' here this equation is on first group, and sel_SQ2=='Y' on second...
When allow Show question index / allow jumping, with default template, sometimes Send button dont show, very strange
Sure, wait Send button in last group selected
If only first, so Send button must be there
If select groups 2 and 4, Send button must be at end of group 4, and always at frame at right with list of selected groups
Last edit: 9 years 11 months ago by gbombonato. Reason: missing something
No : first group is noyt the last : then we show "Move next" button.
We show "Move submit" button anly at the last group of the survey.
You can put a feature request, but it's very hard to manage.
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. I don't answer to private message.
thank you
i work for government, and after long time searching, people here realize LimeSurvey is the best solution
and free!!!
i found one solution for my problem
dont use "incremental" but use "complete"
problems exist with "incremental", but with "complete", Send button is always in the last page
So, all groups are shown in frame at right, and when only some of the groups have relevance=true, the first time i select one selected group, those with relevance=false are removed from list in frame at right.
So, works very good
Last edit: 9 years 11 months ago by gbombonato. Reason: missing text