I have five sites, at each site there is a coordinator will be enter the data of patient into survey
when enter data from site one, then when site 2 enter the same MRN show is already fill
A way is to access the survey#2 using a link generated after submit of survey#1 and containing the needed value(s).
Please see this
of the manual and numerous related discussions in this forum.
You can use end notifications to e-mail the link automatically to coordinator#2
NOTE: For titles understandability, I think it's better to avoid not so popular acronyms
Alternative : token survey with auto create token system for 1st one. (and alow update of survey with same token).
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Second, The MRN is Medical Record Number as ID of patient. our problem is the coordinator fill the questionnaire at clinic then when he come back to the office , enter data to the link of limesurvey and when he by mistake enter the same hard copy ,the question Mrn ( first question) show already entered so he can not complete survey ( To avoid duplicate data ) or maybe the other coordinator at other site enter the same patient, so the message show is already entered. Is this possible , to check then show message if Same MRn entered...??!? :blink:
I think you can do something like that, BUT this need PHP dev.
- Use afterSurveySubmit event at end of 1st survey to create a token for other survey
- When create token : create according attribute and use "default"/equation question in the Survey.
For create token : You can use a new connxion string or LS remote control if it's on another server.
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