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Hinweis-Info-Text ändern.

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10 years 1 month ago #116502 by TommiH
Hinweis-Info-Text ändern. was created by TommiH
Hallo Zusammen,

gibt es eine Möglichkeit den Info-Text zu ändern?

'Eine oder mehrere Pflichtfragen sind nicht beantwortet worden. Bitte beantworten Sie diese zuerst, um fortzufahren!'

Das ! am Ende ist etwas übertrieben, das würde ich gerne in einen . umwandeln. Geht das irgendwie?


Version 3.22.25+200706 & Version 1.91+ Build 12170 im Einsatz (+ V2.05)
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10 years 1 month ago #116513 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Hinweis-Info-Text ändern.
Soweit ich weiss, nur über die Übersetzungsfunktion. Aber ehrlich, wegen dem Ausrufezeichen, würde ich mir den Stress nicht machen. Liest ja sowieso keiner bis zu Ende... ;-)

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4 years 7 months ago #201953 by xibit12
Replied by xibit12 on topic Hinweis-Info-Text ändern.
Für mich wäre es ebenfalls wichtig, das Ausrufezeichen bei dem Text "Eine oder mehrere Pflichtfragen sind nicht beantwortet worden. Bitte beantworten Sie diese zuerst, um fortzufahren!" durch einen Punkt zu ersetzen.
Wie kann man das bewerkstelligen? Immer noch über die Übersetzungsfunktion, und wenn ja, wie gehe ich da genau vor?

Lieben Dank im Voraus!

PS: Ich nutz eine Erweiterung der fruity-Vorlage und habe die Version 3.22.11+200330.
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4 years 7 months ago #201954 by Joffm
Replied by Joffm on topic Hinweis-Info-Text ändern.
This is the English part of the forum.
So, please, write English or use the German part.

Dies ist der englische Teil des Forums.
Schreibe daher bitte auf Englisch oder nutze den deutschen Teil - auch wenn @holch vor 5 Jahren hier schnell geantwortet hat.


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4 years 7 months ago #201955 by xibit12
Replied by xibit12 on topic Hinweis-Info-Text ändern.
Sorry, so here is my question in English:
For me, it would be also important to exchange the exclamation mark into a point in the following notification in German:
"„Eine oder mehrere Pflichtfragen sind nicht beantwortet worden. Bitte beantworten Sie diese zuerst, um fortzufahren!“"

(English: "One or more mandatory questions have not been answered. You cannot proceed until these have been completed")

How can this be done? Still with the translation function, and if so, how exactly do I proceed?

Thank you very much in advance!

PS: I use an extension of the fruity template and have version 3.22.11+200330.
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4 years 7 months ago #201956 by Joffm
Replied by Joffm on topic Hinweis-Info-Text ändern.
you really should have asked your question in the German part.
Because it's a question of German Grammar.

And in grammar you can't use punctuation as you like it. (Though many seem to think so)
There are very clear rules.

Therefore the exclamation mark is absolutely correct. Nothing else is possible or allowed in this type of sentence.

In German there are five different types of sentences that have certain characteristics.
This sentence clearly belongs in the class "imperative sentence".
The imperative sentence is a type of sentence that is used to express requests of all kinds, such as kind requests, advice, demands and strict orders.

Quote in German:

3. Der Aufforderungssatz (Imperativsatz)

Mit dieser Satzart hat der Sprecher/Schreiber die direkte Absicht, seinen Partner zu einer Handlung zu bewegen, ihn aufzufordern, etwas zu tun oder zu lassen, ihn anzuleiten, zu bitten oder ihm einen Befehl zu erteilen, denn das lateinische imperare bedeutet herrschen (Imperator = Herrscher).

Komm bitte einmal zu mir!
Komm bitte zu mir!
Komm zu mir!

Je nach Dringlichkeit der Absicht nimmt sich der Sprecher Zeit zu bitten oder er fordert auf oder er befiehlt. Mit der Absicht verändert sich auch die Stimmführung. In den Beispielsätzen nimmt die Entschiedenheit in der Stimme zu. Im ersten Satz ist die Bitte sehr wohlwollend. Der Hörer könnte hier vielleicht noch ablehnen, der Aufforderung zu folgen.
Im letzten Satz bleibt ihm keine Wahl. Befehl ist Befehl!
Die Intonation ist fallend. Am Ende steht das Ausrufezeichen.
Die finite Verbform befindet sich in Spitzenstellung und im Imperativ (Befehlsform).

Here are two links to German pages where the differences are explained, and also why the exclamation mark is correct.




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4 years 7 months ago #201967 by xibit12
Replied by xibit12 on topic Hinweis-Info-Text ändern.
Thank you for your detailed answer.
Is there no way to change the exclamation mark in the sentence?
Our questionnaire is addressed to patients. An exclamation mark could be perceived by patients as very commanding, and they could perceive it as a forced choice. We fear that this could lead to a higher dropout. Therefore we would like to replace the exclamation mark with a dot.
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4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #201984 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Hinweis-Info-Text ändern.

Our questionnaire is addressed to patients. An exclamation mark could be perceived by patients as very commanding, and they could perceive it as a forced choice. We fear that this could lead to a higher dropout. Therefore we would like to replace the exclamation mark with a dot.

I think you are overthinking this. Most people perfectly understand that this is a standard text from a software tool. I have never in my life as a market researcher (all kinds of target groups, including patients, doctors, etc.) seen that there is a higher drop out rate because of something as minor as a "!".

In your case the higher dropout rate, if there will be one, will most probably happen because of the question being mandatory, rather than the alert ending with an "!". What we sometimes see is that people dropout if there is a mandatory question which they do not want to answer. But this is normal. Either you make it non-mandatory (and risk the chance that some people leave it blank) or you risk a higher dropout rate, if the answers to this question are required for your analysis. An exclamation mark will have very little to no impact on that.

But if you really "feel" that the exclamation mark will cause your respondents to dropout, you can always change the "translation". Keep in mind that this could be overwritten by any update of Limesurvey, if you do it in the two existing German translations.

I guess you could copy one of those and create your own German translation, which then would not be impacted by updates, because it doesn't come as a standard with Limesurvey. However, of course this custom language also won't receive any updates (e.g. if there is a new string inserted in Limesurvey, it will not make it to the files of your custom language). I am also not 100% sure what you need to do to include your own custom language. You probably need to register it somewhere in a file, not sure, I have never done it.

In any way, how to translate Limesurvey is described in the manual:

So in your case the best is probably to do a mix between "Customize an existing translation" and "Creating a new translation". Because I think you might want to leave the original German translation as it is (also to avoid updates overwritting your changes). So I would take one of the two German translations, copy it and rename it and create a new language (e.g. German-Xibit) and make the change in this file, then register the languages as described in "Creating a new translation". I think it is pretty well described in my link.

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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
Last edit: 4 years 7 months ago by holch.
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4 years 7 months ago #201988 by Joffm
Replied by Joffm on topic Hinweis-Info-Text ändern.
Well, if you want to have it less demanding, use a different wording.
Nearer to the original text:
One or more mandatory questions have not been answered. You cannot proceed until these have been completed.

Now you have a simple "Hauptsatz", which is finished by a dot.

And to change the translation:
  • select the language file here
  • translate.limesurvey.org/projects/limesurvey-3/de/default/
  • You find the export link in the lower left corner
  • Download the *.po file
  • Download the Editor PoEdit ( poedit.net/ )
  • Edit the file
  • When you save the file, a file with the extension *.mo is created automatically
  • Upload this file as "de.mo" to the folder "/locale/de" of your installation
Because this file will be overwritten during an update, you should create a new language, as@holch suggested, and as described in the link.


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