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Time limit for question groups

  • DenisChenu
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10 years 1 month ago #116208 by DenisChenu
Replied by DenisChenu on topic Time limit for question groups

Dubi wrote: so I downloaded the 1,91 version to my pc, but it´s just a normal file not a program, so it´s over my skills defenitly.


Why use 1.91 version ? It work with 2.05 version, you can use limeservice for hosting survey.


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10 years 1 month ago #116212 by Dubi
Replied by Dubi on topic Time limit for question groups
yes I have this online hosting survey on my pc for single users now, but I imported my survey there, but now the timelimit is 1 sec. I think and the time is run out only and it put you to the next group, but I set 90 seconds not 1. is it important that you had the question on the last spot in the group and I had on the first? still I don´t know where to put theses java scripts in, cause also in the new version, when I put it in the text box it´s just text not more and I turned the xml something to off.
should I do maybe some updates somewhere???
just write me how you did that it worked.
and is it then possibel to import to the older version on the server without loosing this special tools?
thanks, d.
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10 years 1 month ago - 10 years 1 month ago #116215 by DenisChenu
Replied by DenisChenu on topic Time limit for question groups
I don't think question position make a difference.

You can import 1.91 survey to limeservice.

I'm not sure for XSS security, but still : need some javascript: try (with a shortext question), in the source text:
$(function() {
    $("#question{QID} input").hide();

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Last edit: 10 years 1 month ago by DenisChenu.
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10 years 1 month ago #116216 by Dubi
Replied by Dubi on topic Time limit for question groups
how can I set the countdown to 100 again, cause when I want to test it it stands, you have 100 seconds and the countdown starts, then one second after "your time is expired" and i´m at the next group.
and this:
$(function() {
$("#question{QID} input").hide();

still is written in the question.

I think I´m putting this java to the wrong box. where exactly should I?
I open the question and then at the text question field I click source code put that in and click save. Is this correct???
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10 years 1 month ago #116217 by Dubi
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10 years 1 month ago #116219 by DenisChenu
Replied by DenisChenu on topic Time limit for question groups
If i remind : the countdown stay in a cookie (else a user can do the survey and start again to have good answers).

Remove your cookie and try again.


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10 years 1 month ago #116223 by Dubi
Replied by Dubi on topic Time limit for question groups
Yeah it worked. and now is it possibel to export this questionary from the new version and import it in my old version at the server that it works there to without losing anything, cause from the export from old to new the pictures where gone???
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10 years 1 month ago #116224 by Dubi
Replied by Dubi on topic Time limit for question groups
After the import to the old version than its not working. Why???
The countdown is there and no strange javatext in the question, but it don´t switch to the next group automaticly. Why???
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10 years 1 month ago #116225 by Dubi
Replied by Dubi on topic Time limit for question groups
Now that javascript text in the question is back. I will contact the server support from the university maybe they can change something. Or if you have some tool to fix that problem it will be great. Maybe in the old version is possibel with something else not javascript do that stuff, without disabel that xml thing in security???
Thanks very much, have a nice evening, Dubi
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10 years 1 month ago #116226 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Time limit for question groups
Old version, new version, local install, university server, it is all quite confusing.

My guess: Your university server runs a very old version of Limesurvey (most do and I don't know why, probably because the admins just don't care...) and probably the XSS filter is on, which makes it impossible for you to insert Javascript (or HTML into your survey). I doubt that they will switch off the XSS filter for you.

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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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10 years 1 month ago #116435 by beccawebb
Replied by beccawebb on topic Time limit for question groups
I am using limesurvey version 2.05+

I am also having trouble with timing for group questions.

I have two questions per group: One text display with an image and one multiple choice. I want the text display with an image to show for 6seconds before it automatically moves on.

I have it set to show question by question, and I also have group randomisation.

However, the problem is the image doesn't stay on the screen for 6 seconds, it only stays for about half a second.

Does anyone know how I can fix this?
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10 years 1 month ago #116442 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Time limit for question groups
"I have it set to show question by question"

Hmmm, but this means you don't have trouble with timing for group questions, right? *confused*

Help us to help you!
  • Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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