could I upload upload data in Excel sheet to survey system, the data already collected in Excel sheet , and after that we build survey in limesurvey we want to upload data to these survey and continue collect data.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Warm regards
While probably not impossible, I think it will be a lot more work to format the data the way Limesurvey needs it (I don't think there is a import function, so you would have to import the data directly into the database in the correct format).
So I would rather join the two data sets later, making the necessary adaptions.
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Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.