I have a question regarding my bug report for issue #09390.
I have some surveys but when a user completes the survey (using his token) then the tokens table shows completed = N and uses left = 1 while actually the survey itself is completed.
I'm using token based persistence and " Allow multiple responses or update responses with one token? ".
Is this behaviour expected with these options?
When does this last option only update responses and does it not add multiple responses?
No, with
- "token based persistence"
- "Allow multiple responses or update responses with one token?"
You see :
- Completed : Y
- Uses left : 0/-1/-2 ... (decreased by one each time a user click on submit).
For :
, i think it's more " 1) Something went wrong while upgrading limesurvey" because reimport survey do the job. Can you look at the DB and see the difference betwwen the 2 table of token ?
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