I am trying to upload tokens to a survey and sometimes certain fields contain special characters such as a "long dash" —. I see the error, "CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: CDbCommand failed to prepare the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: An error occurred translating the query string to UTF-16: No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page."
Do I need to set the default charset to UTF-16 in php or is this a LimeSurvey bug?
You should do a clean install of the latest version (do not just update your existing one) and then port the survey to the new installation. There has been a DB change for 2.05 and MSSQL (that cannot be applied to existing installations) which should mitigate this problem.
Is there anyway you can point me in the direction of the issue number or fix that was used to solve this problem? I would prefer to apply this change manually if possible by altering the php/database rather than have to go through a clean install since we have so many surveys with thousands of active tokens at any given time.
Does anyone have access to an MSSQL install to replicate an error? I have exactly this problem, but on a clean 2.50 Build 160517. Attached is a csv that has an apostrophe with formatting carried over from Word (curved apostrophe instead of the dagger-straight-down apostrophe). This formatting fails the upload if the selected character set of the file is Automatic, or converts it to a question mark if I select UTF-8 Unicode. That would ruin my data validation after export.
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