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WYSIWYG editor does not work

10 years 6 months ago #112448 by Juern
WYSIWYG editor does not work was created by Juern

we have been working with LimeSurvey 2.05 with out problems (and great satisfaction!) for weeks. Suddenly the WYSIWYG question editor does not work any longer (and the same problem occurs for other text fields as well, e.g. question groups). Instead of properly formated WYSIWYG text only HTML code appears (see attached screen shot) and the button panel / ribbon with buttons for formating text (bold, italics etc.) is missing.

Updating (comfort update) Limesurvey to the newest build (Build 140911) didn't help.
Cleaning the browser cache as suggested in this thread didn't help:

It occurs for different users on different PCs with Firefox as well as with IExplorer.
Java is updated to the newest version (Version 7 Update 67).
PHP Version: 5.4.0
MySQL Server Version: 5.0.51a-log

We have also an older LimeSurvey (Version 1.91+ Build 11379) running on the same Server (same PHP Version & MySQL Version), that does not show this problem.

The IT department of our university that runs the server said, that they had not made any major changes (at the most installed smaller patches) and doubts that this could have created the problem. (In case you think differently about this, I could try to get more detailed information about the patches.)

Any help is very welcome!
The topic has been locked.
Moderators: holchtpartner

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