I have been trying to use the custom Sexy forms with JQuery from the following site in a LimeQuery application. The problem is that I don't seem to be able to upload the jqueery_uniform_min.js, nor the uniform_aristo.css files to LimeQuery:
Is there some other place I can go to upload these files? What I have been attempting to do is create a custom template and add the files as "other files"
This works in the 1.92 installation of LimeQuery. But not on the 2.05 installation.
Just thought I would touch base back here and mention that I solved my issue. The issue was that the file actually contained multiple periods, and so the parser was getting the wrong extension type and rejecting the upload of the js and css files I was trying to utilize. I renamed the files to contain underscores and revised the references in the template and voila it worked. Yeah!
I am actually in the process of writing a detailed document with screen shots for my coworkers to use when they build surveys, so when I get it done I will share it with the community, so stay tuned!
The document details how to revise a copy of the basic template to use custom radio and check box images.
It also documents how we implement double token security. In our situation we want to make sure that subjects taking our research survey's are indeed who we think they are but the id they enter is a 6 digit number. Too easy to enter one number incorrectly and "become" someone else. So we give them two tokens, the first one is for linking to a separate database, the second is just to validate their 6 digit id.
When I first downloaded the files were named: jQuery.uniform.js and Uniform.aristo.css. I wasn’t able to upload the files. I replaced the dot in the file names with an underscore : “jQuery_uniform.js” and “Uniform_aristo.css” and uploading worked like a charm.
I am uploading a document that talks about how I went about tailoring this for a survey being delivered at the time of study subject blood draws on iPads. Here is a picture of my survey test on my iPad.