Hi Denis
I was looking at this post with your response as I am going through I think the same issue here. We have LimeSurvey set up on the following domain like so:
I created on DNS server a forwarding sub-domain shortsurveys.talkinsight.com with masking so the url - https://media5/limesurvey would then show as shortsurveys.talkinsight.com
I deduced that the issue revolving around getting the message below was the fact that the framework is getting muddled up by the domain name as it knows it is media5.co.za as what is provided by the server and not shortsurveys.talkinsights.com:-
Bad Request
The CSRF token could not be verified
I saw your response to this post. I made a text addition to my config file, bt before adding this, would the below text be ok for what I had described for this to work? :-
'components' => array(
'session' => array(
'savePath' => '/limesurvey',
'cookieMode' => 'allow',
'cookieParams' => array(
'path' => '/',
'domain' => '.talkinsights.com',
'httpOnly' => true,