I have a survey that I am going to use many times I only want to change the name of the survey (and make new tokens), can I somehow make a survey template or copy a survey and all it's questions and answers?
When creating a new survey there is a "Copy" tab which can be used to create copies of a master survey.
Best regards/Beste Grüße,
Dr. Marcel Minke
Feel free to contact me by email for professional LimeSurvey support!
Without your help we can't keep this project alive.
Best regards/Beste Grüße,
Dr. Marcel Minke
Feel free to contact me by email for professional LimeSurvey support!
I have an question about surveys cloning (copying). Is it possible to copy survey via webservices (API v2). I don`t see any possibilities, to do this in web service way. Maybe it is known ways to realize it?