Hi, I have a new user who doesn't want to see the Limesurvey index.php when there are no active surveys. This is a new one for me. How would I make Limesurvey redirect to a different page (e.g., customer's home page) when there is no survey id in the URL? Hopefully without editing the core files.
in the template used by your installlation as default template (the most of the time="default" template) set a redirect into surveylist.psptl file (using <meta refresh> or javascript redirect as you want)
Ben, this won't work because it will always redirect the user even if there are active surveys.
It should be possible to add an Ajax call at the related template page. That way you could call a script that checks for active surveys and if there are none, you can redirect the user right away.
Best regards/Beste Grüße,
Dr. Marcel Minke
Feel free to contact me by email for professional LimeSurvey support!
Thanks Mazi and Ben. Actually in my case I think the redirect on survey list will be ok for this situation because all participants will be coming in via links to a survey and will never see the survey list. But this probably wouldn't work for everyone.