Please help us help you and fill where relevant: LimeSurvey version:
LimeSurvey Community Edition
Version 6.9.0+241218 Own server or LimeSurvey Cloud: My Own Server Survey theme/template: Modified Fruity TwentyThree
So I setup LimeSurvey on our website last quarter to send out a client satisfaction survey. After some trial and error, I got it set up to send e-mail, and clients received the survey with no issues whatsoever. Fast forward to this quarter and LimeSurvey is no longer sending e-mails, it claims that test e-mails are going out successfully, but nothing shows up in my inbox. It also refuses to show me logs, last time when I ran into issues I got it to spit out logs regardless of any errors occurring. Now I just immediately get a success message, but zero e-mails. Outside of running the security update Limesurvey was pushing, I've done nothing to our installation other than create another survey.