Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
Your LimeSurvey version: 6.4.1+240108
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: own server, PHP version 8.1
Survey theme/template: Custom BootsWatch
I need help with a very slow and unresponsive installation of Limesurvey. It is an installation on my own server.
The strange thing of problem is: I myself don't really have problems. For me the system is just a bit slower than usual - but my coworkers have to deal with massive deficiencies.
- After pushing the Export button for responses it takes a while, nothing happens and later the little wheels stop turning. After that a restart of the export is not possible
- Bounces processing does not work either: screen becomes grey, nothing happens. The message "you can close this window now" does not appear, bounces are not processed. Repeating is not possible, only refresh helps.
- Change details in participant table: sometimes the table does not open completely and parts are missing, e.g. the buttons on the right side for editing the participant. When these buttons show up and they enter changes, these changes are not written to the participant table - or it takes ages (a few minutes) to save one change.
- Filtering the participant table mostly isn't possible
- Responses table: token are sometimes not displayed
I searched already the forum and incorporated some changes already, e.g. turning of the update function.
Also we tried
- different browsers for my coworkers - it happens in all browsers
- cleaning caches in the browser - no change
The server I am using is a normal shared server at a respectable hoster - I don't think the problems are on this side. We use this server for 20 years and never had problems.
The only thing I could imagine that impacts the behaviour of Limesurvey is the number of surveys: we are using Limesurvey intensivly and have 69 surveys in this installation, with only 14 which are active. All the others are inactive/expired. I am planning to move the inactive surveys out of Limesurvey as soon as possible.
Does somebody have an idea what I could change so my co-workers are able to work again?
Thanks in advance,