I am trying to activate one of my surveys on LS. When I try to do that for the first time, everything is OK and the survey is activated, but, when I deactivate the same survey and then attempt to activate it I got this error:
The survey response table could not be created. This problem is usually caused by having too many (sub)questions in your survey. Please try deleting some questions from your survey.
But the problem is I've seen some solutions for this error (for instance here: [url]
)[/url] , and none of them seems to work out for me. Because my survey is short enough it has 2 parts and 8 questions in total. Which second part includes 22-24 sub-questions, and I tried to narrow it down to just 1 sub-question and still nothing changed. 4 of my questions have short free text type, one of them has date/time type and 2 of them has array(5 point selection) type, and the captions of them surveys are not that long.
I also tried to create another survey with this malformed deactive survey that I can not use anymore, just to see if it works when I do that, and I got this error:
500: Problem for the server call to undefined function mssql;_drop_coulmn_with_constraints()
And when I refresh the page it returns to the response table couldnt be created error.
I think the cause may be because of the database can not drop the columns when I attempt to activate it again? Can you help? How can I fix this error?
(I am using MSSQL. LimeSurvey version is 6.3.0. Also my php version is 8.2)