Please help us help you and fill where relevant: Your LimeSurvey version: 6.2.1 Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Survey theme/template:
we have a problem. I have upgraded the platform from 3.22 to 6.2.1 and now i´m getting an error CDbException when i try to execute this query:
CDbCommand falló al ejecutar la sentencia SQL: SQLSTATE[07002]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error. The SQL statement executed was: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT [t].[sid]) FROM [dbo].[lime_surveys] [t] LEFT JOIN lime_surveys_groups parentGroup1 ON = = [dbo].[lime_surveys_languagesettings] [correct_relation_defaultlanguage] ON ([correct_relation_defaultlanguage].[surveyls_language]=[t].[language]) AND ([correct_relation_defaultlanguage].[surveyls_survey_id]=[t].[sid]) LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[lime_users] [owner] ON ([t].[owner_id]=[owner].[uid]) LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[lime_surveys_groups] [surveygroup] ON ([t].[gsid]=[surveygroup].[gsid]) WHERE (:gsid OR :gsid OR :gsid OR :gsid OR :gsid). Bound with :gsid=8