I have the update 5.6.36 yesterday, i installed it via Comfort Update, when i do the update installation, Limesurvey say that i have all the necesary to update to Limesurvey 5.
I have Limesurvey on a shared hosting and my php version is 8.0, the recomended for Limesurvey 5.
I don't think it's a Comfort update problem because I updated the platform with that feature precisely so that there wouldn't be any problems, or could ComfortUpdate be generating a problem even though I updated normally?
I have all Limesurvey versions on this shared hosting and i dont have problems with it, except for this version, i can't check if the hosting have this features, but i suppose not because Comfort Update says that i have all requirements before the update.
- php.ini `short_open_tag` setting should be set to `ON`
- The following PHP modules/libraries should be enabled:
mbstring (Multibyte String Functions)
extension library.
- PDO database driver for MySQL (pdo_mysql or pdo_mysqli) or Postgres (pdo_pgsql) or MSSQL (
for Windows and
for Linux).
- Also, we assume in general that all PHP default libraries are enabled
- hash
- session
- openssl or mcrypt
- fileinfo
- SimpleXML
- etc …
Any idea?
And other question, if this problem persists, and i have to make rollback to Limesurvey 3, how can i do it if its possible?
As i say, this problem seems to be on the admin page, the surveys i tested seems to work fine when you execute it, so is not a extremely big problem for now.
Thank you.