Your LimeSurvey version: LimeSurvey Community Edition Versión 5.6.31+230718 Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Centos 7
================== Hello everyone! I need help!
Two hours ago I started the manual update from version 3.19 to 5.6.31 on my centos 7 server, and the database update only gives me the feedback: loading...
The MySQL database is stored on a different server and is managed by other people who work with me.
We did a test upgrade on a test server yesterday and it took only 15 minutes.
I can log into the application from other browser, and the limesurvey version is 5.6.31, but I don't know if the update has finished successfully because in the browser where I started the update, It still appear: loading...
Please, how can i know if the database update has finished?