I do not see an issue, IF I hide the question in the correct way.
You used "Always hide this question" ON.
This is wrong. Now the question isn't existing in the DOM anymore.
You have to hide the question by css, so enter the class "hidden" in the respective field "css classes".
Some other remarks:
{IrrelevantHidden_SQ3=if(Irrelevant_SQ3_Y1=='1', 'Y', Irrelevant_SQ3_Y1)}
You are lucky that in your array(number) the not selected option is also stored as blank.
Shorter: {IrrelevantHidden_SQ3=if(Irrelevant_SQ3_Y1=='1', 'Y', '')}
What for do you insert the script in "preference"?
You see that it refers to a surveyID 479167. See the sgqa-codes.
But your sent survey has an ID 768183.
It doesn't work and isn't necessary; you use the array exclusion filter.
In "ReasonNotUsing" you use the property "shown" in your condition. But don't you want to use the code insted of the shown text?
Well, it works in your case, but it is not correct.
Better: sum(Irrelevant_SQ3_Y1.NAOK, Irrelevant_SQ4_Y1.NAOK, Irrelevant_SQ6_Y1.NAOK, Irrelevant_SQ8_Y1.NAOK)>0
The same here:
You write an equation into the question text, because rows with empty text are not displayed.
But you really should use subquestion relevance
Only: Irrelevant_SQ3_Y1==1
In Irrelevant:
Your subquestion relevance equations
if(MainmodeCode == 'SQ1',0,1)
You know that a relevance equation is a logical term that is either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE the item is displayed.
So MainmodeCode != 'SQ1' is absolutely sufficient. Either MainmodeCode is not equal SQ1 -> TRUE or is equal -> FALSE
There seem to be some relicts from many many years ago, where some actual features were not available.
Volunteers are not paid.
Not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless