I'm in the process of migrating our old LimeSurvey Community 3.28 to 5.6.8. For testing purposes, I have locally set up a LimeSurvey 5.6.8 in a Docker environment, following this setup:
. When I start the services, I can log in and create surveys just fine. However, when I import a dump from our current production database, I get the following error:
limesurvey_1 | Connection to lime-db 3306 port [tcp/mysql] succeeded!
limesurvey_1 | Info: config.php already provisioned
limesurvey_1 | Info: security.php already provisioned
limesurvey_1 | Info: Check if database already provisioned. Nevermind the Stack trace.
limesurvey_1 | Update mysql:host=lime-db;port=3306;dbname=limesurvey; with prefix : from 366 to 495
limesurvey_1 | CException: Please fix this error in your database and try again in /var/www/html/application/commands/UpdateDbCommand.php:50
limesurvey_1 | Stack trace:
limesurvey_1 | #0 /var/www/html/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/console/CConsoleCommandRunner.php(71): UpdateDBCommand->run(Array)
limesurvey_1 | #1 /var/www/html/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/console/CConsoleApplication.php(92): CConsoleCommandRunner->run(Array)
limesurvey_1 | #2 /var/www/html/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/base/CApplication.php(185): CConsoleApplication->processRequest()
limesurvey_1 | #3 /var/www/html/application/commands/console.php(77): CApplication->run()
limesurvey_1 | #4 {main}
limesurvey_1 | Running console.php install
When I then stop and restart the services again, the same error pops up again, just with a different database version number:limesurvey_1 | Update mysql:host=lime-db;port=3306;dbname=limesurvey; with prefix : from 418 to 495Any advice?
I'm not sure if LimeSurvey v5 can handle a dumped database from v3.
I would first use a v3 LimeSurvey instance with a v3 database, do the upgrade to v5 and then use this v5 database to dump that into your v5 LimeSurvey docker instance.
Perhaps your way of doing it is working and the issue is the docker container. It's not released or supported by LimeSurvey GmbH. So you might try to raise an issue there too.
Seems that the migrations want to create/update some tables that are already present in a naked 5.6 installation (namely 419, 421, 446, 480, 489, and 491), making the update script fail. After commenting out the code in question, the script passes without error. Don't really know about data consistency though, so I guess your approach might be safer. I'll give it a try.