Before you start any major search for issues and bugs, I would highly recommend to update to the latest version (LTS Release 3.28.47) and see if the problem persists. I don't think it makes sense to research for issues in a version of LS that is at least over 2 years old (latest version of 3.24.x was LS 3.24.6 build 201109, so it was released on 09.11.2020.
). As you didn't provide the full build number this is the latest date.
A lot of things can have happened since then. You might also want to have a look into the release notes and see if it mentions anything about a bug fix that sounds like your problem, from your version to the lastet version.
But I think, before you do anything else, do an update. You should make updates on a regular basis anyway. 2-3 years can include a lot of changes.