yes, it is reproducable.
So, file a bug report.
In my opinion the error is in file "STATAxmlWriter.php" line 632
With this command answer labels of "multiple" questions are displayed correct
but others, like single or array questions are not
If you change this line to
it is the other way
correct for single and array questions, not correct for multiple questions.
But, anyway,
you usually have to adapt the VARIABLE LABELS and VALUE LABELS.
Nobody wants to see these long labels (with included instructions for the respondent) in your analysis.
Like this:
(Nous rappelons qu'il n'est pas possible d’identifier personnellement vos réponses et que les données collectées sont utilisées uniquement pour réaliser des statistiques générales, représentatives de la population Française.)
À combien estimez-vous le patrimoine NET de votre ménage (en euros) ? Sont incluses ici toutes vos possessions (logement, voiture, épargne, etc.) nettes de dette.
Par exemple, vous possédez une maison valant 250 000€, votre seul bien, et qu’il vous reste 100 000€ à rembourser sur votre crédit immobilier, votre patrimoine net s’élève à 150 000€.
So, during the fieldwork, you may write a new Do file with your labels.
As many answer options are repeatedly used in many question you have only to define a few containers and add them to the questions.
I do not know Stata, but it's the same we always do in SPSS.
And of course you can export to Excel or *.csv and import into Stata. Again add the labels afterwards in a Do file.
Now some remarks:
There are some errors in your survey. Probably you renamed some questioons.
I remember your "I changed some things,..."
And there are some cumbersime ways you do it., like some conditions where there are only 5 options.
ChgtTxLinAvion == 1 or ChgtTxLinAvion == 2 or ChgtTxLinAvion == 4 or ChgtTxLinAvion == 5 ->
ChgtTxLinAvion !
ChgtTxLinAvion == 3 or ChgtTxLinAvion == 4 or ChgtTxLinAvion == 5 ->
ChgtTxLinAvion == 1 or ChgtTxLinAvion == 2 ->
(((!is_empty(ChgtTxCaLin_ChgtTxCaCarbu.NAOK) && (ChgtTxCaLin_ChgtTxCaCarbu.NAOK == 1)) or (!is_empty(ChgtTxCaLin_ChgtTxCaCarbu.NAOK) && (ChgtTxCaLin_ChgtTxCaCarbu.NAOK == 2)) or (!is_empty(ChgtTxCaLin_ChgtTxCaCarbu.NAOK) && (ChgtTxCaLin_ChgtTxCaCarbu.NAOK == 4)) or (!is_empty(ChgtTxCaLin_ChgtTxCaCarbu.NAOK) && (ChgtTxCaLin_ChgtTxCaCarbu.NAOK == 5))))
!is_empty(ChgtTxCaLin_ChgtTxCaCarbu.NAOK) && ChgtTxCaLin_ChgtTxCaCarbu.NAOK!
Many more.
And I'd advise to create an equation to generate age classes instead of many alternative questions.(the whole age quoata group)
Only one equation "ageclass"
And your quota definition changes from
from25to34 1 to ageclass 2
from35to49 1 to ageclass 3
as you did it in all your other quotas.
I did not see a quota on these "strictlyover74". you can eiter use this equation or expand the ageclass equation to
and enter both values (5 and 6) into your quota of respondents older than 64
And, please do not provide a lss export with 163 questions.
We can't go through it only to have some data to export.
Always create a small sample survey where your problem is shown, reproducable.