And two easy to implement solutions:
1. Display it on the screen, tell them to keep in mind that there might be a confusion.
And if the first attempt fails they might try with an "O" instead a "0" or viceversa.
You may adapt the twig-file to show this message.
We are carrying out a survey with high school students.
They shouldn't be too stupid not to understand this.
In one of my programs there is the phrase:
Es gibt kein kleines "l" wie "leider falsch"; es ist immer ein großes "I" wie "Ich mache es jetzt richtig".
2. We do not know how these respondents receive the token - probably by mail or it is displayed on the screen in your external script.
There certainly is a way to use a different font that distinguishs better
Roboto Mono
Ubuntu Mono
And, as @holch: Now this feature is available, in version 5.x.