Thanks all, I'm in. Tony, it was most helpful your page with hash instructions, as that ultimately was critical. But still, it was convoluted. But I'm in--and I've not exported copies of working files.
FWIW, or for those who may stumble across this, this was how I ultimately did it. I had exported a mySQL copy of the db from old server, though I couldn't even log in there--and this was also critical, this exported file. Next I blew out the limeserver folders in cPanel in the new server location. (Now, for those who are cringing, I didn't actually blow it out, but copied it to limeserverBK, 2, 3, and 5 -- yes, I'm conservative.)
Then I made careful note of the old db configurations, name, user, pw, etc. And reloaded current software creating a new "limeserver" folder. Then, clicked on the survey link where it opened up the installation box, and I put all that information -- making, once again, VERY careful notes. Then executed the whole thing.
Interestingly, when this finished and went to the login box, the id/pw that I entered into the installation didn't work. --And this is where the hash came in critical: Of the dozen now stored in my computer, one of them hashed now matched the hash in the original database. So I tried this combination, and was in: old name, and old password, luckily stumbled across. Thanks again Tony, or I likely wouldn't have gotten it.
Then, for your interest, I logged out, and couldn't log in again. Ouch!! Stumbled across that combo again, and was in. --From there, I created two new users and pw combinations, which I've now vetted. Then made a note in my Apple notes for forever posterity, including what worked and how. Three different combinations now work, PLUS, once in the second time, I immediately exported working copies of the two needed surveys. (Now on my computer as additional safety.)
Interestingly, the combination that got me back in, the stumbled across hash password from the old db would NOT get me into the old server limeserver program. In the end, I believe something there was broken, and boy did that set me on a rabbit trail for two days. But all is well now with the new server, and that's where it needs to be. Thanks, both Tony and holch -- and yes, I indeed took your advice seriously and made an inordinate number of backup databases, like or more before it was over. Thanks both, tons!!